When did you deliver your 2nd baby?

I am 38 weeks with baby #2 and am getting anxious and excited and was just curious as to when you delivered your 1st vs your 2nd (3rd, 4th, etc) babies. I know each baby is different and labor can come at any time when baby is mature and ready, but I have time and would love to hear comparisons.

My 1st son was born at exactly 39 weeks according to his ultrasound due date. This 2nd babie's "ultrasound" due date is Dec. 3rd, but according to LMP it's Dec. 9th. I am measuring exactly the same with this baby as with my 1st which is interesting. Last week I was about 3cm dilated, and 2 weeks ago I was either 70-80% effaced. I have been getting good ole braxton hicks, but I have had them for weeks now, and know that's no predictor of labor.

So when did you deliver you subsequent babies? And was it natural or induced? My son cam eon his own at the 39 week mark...


Favorite Answer

I gave birth to my first son 4 days overdue. I went into labor with him on my own but after so many hours of labor they gave me some pitocin to help aid my labor. Everything went fine after that. It was a long labor all together though. 21 hours but only 4 pushes. My second son came 1 day before I turned 39 weeks. I went into labor with him on my own also and it was much quicker. No pitocin needed and after 9 hours of labor he came with 3 pushes. First one was 7 lbs 3 oz and second was 6 lbs and 10oz. I will be 39 weeks tomorrow with my 3rd son. =) I am a little over 1 cm dilated and the doc said he's pretty low. She said she gives me less than a week based on the symptoms I've had over the last 3 days. I hope she's right! LOL

Kris aka Kristy2010-11-24T11:31:09Z

I'm just 5 weeks right now...but mostly likely my child will be born by planned cesarean within week 38...i was induced with my first child at 38 weeks...had to have an unplanned c-section....but my doctor seems to like 38 weeks alot of his patients deliver at 38 if they have had a c-section...

Mama To 3 Girls&1 Boy2010-11-24T11:33:20Z

My first was born at 40 weeks 4 days, induced. My second was born at 41 weeks induced. I'm now almost 40 weeks with my third and my midwife says I'll probably go overdue again.