What percentage of rape accusations are false?
Has this area been studied or are the "facts" given by police just opinions?
Karen, I simply asked what percentage of rapes reported to police are false accusations.
Has this area been studied or are the "facts" given by police just opinions?
Karen, I simply asked what percentage of rapes reported to police are false accusations.
Favorite Answer
Personal experience would put the number even higher... at least 50% of the rape cases I have been involved with were not actually rape. This is not based on court cases, this is actual reported rapes.
Most of the false rape reports are "buyers remorse", feeling guilty after cheating on husband/boyfriend. They always involve too much to drink, and on occasion other illicit recreational items.There have been cases where the "victim" is at a party, with 30 other witnesses, and takes on just about every guy there willingly. The next day, it is a gang rape.
A smaller percentage are "larceny non-pay", in which the "victim" is trading sex for something of value, and doesn't get that consideration. A few have even been outright hookers that didn't get paid. One of those dropped her claim when we found a $50 in the blanket as we were taking the sheets off the bed.
This is my personal, anecdotal experience over the last 7 1/2 years of investigating such crimes. Other jurisdictions may have different experience, I can only tell you about my city.
Wendy S
When talking about 'false reporting', it's worth remembering that sexual assault is one of the most under reported crimes.
Crime victimisation surveys routinely find that only about 40% of crimes are reported to the police, and this varies according to crime type. Reporting rates are as high as 95% for motor vehicle theft and as low as 20% for sexual assault.
Therefore any figures on 'false reporting' need to be viewed as actually being even smaller if all sexual offenses (reported or not reported) are taken into account. Also, not all reported crimes result in a conviction. Just like with other crime, it does not follow that these reports were therefore false. The following study may be of interest.
Study of Reported Rapes in Victoria 2000-2003
Of the 812 reports where the case outcome could be established:
* Police laid charges in only 15% of cases, suggesting that fewer than one in six victims will be involved in cases that are likely to proceed to a prosecution stage.
* 46.6% of the cases resulted in no further police action.
* If this figure is combined with the numbers of complaints being withdrawn, a total of 61.5% of cases did not proceed past the report or investigation stage.
* This figure could in fact be as many as 80.8% if it includes 'cases that are still ongoing' given no charges had been laid between the report stage and the commencement of this study.
* In 17 cases (2.1%), the case outcome was clearly categorised as a false report.
* The Victorian law reform commission found that 24.8% of the reported rapes were classified as complaints withdrawn in 2001-2002 and 31.5% in 2002-03.
I hope this helps and good luck with your research.
All of them, every single last one. The truth is that whenever a woman says she has been raped in fact she has done one or another thing which qualifies as "asking for it." Such actions include:
*Drinking with the man in question
*Going to bars at all, ever
*Saying hello to a guy on the street
*Having ever had sex, in any previous context, willingly, with anyone
*Leaving the kitchen without written permission
*Callling the police, which is playing hard to get
*Saying no, which always means yes, no exceptions
*Being comatose, ******* tease
*Shooting at the assailant, but missing (always intentionally)
*Blowing a rape whistle, which is just to show off her excellent fellatio skills
As any woman who has ever been raped has done at least one of them, they all really wanted it and are lying when they say otherwise.
The only problem with these stats is that almost all rapes go unreported. The stats are derived from attackers being found not guilty in court. The court stats and the truth are a mile apart.
The said question can only be answered and determine by research so as to have reasonable facts to support a credible statistics.