For those of you with Libertarian leanings/ tea party folks and Ron Paul supporters?

Have you researched Gary Johnson as a potential candidate you could support for president?

I never agree with EVERYTHING a given candidate stands for but this guy looks just what we need.


Well cattledog, that tells me you havent researched him. You saw libertarian leaning and said no way. He built 500 miles of 4 lane highway while he was governor of NM. Hes not a full on Libertarian. Hes a very libertarian leaning republican.


Evil Goodness, I agree with Palin on alot of things but there is no way i want her in the whitehouse.


Favorite Answer

I like roads to be built so I would never vote for a libertarian. They do not live in reality or they live in Somalia. I don't want America to be another Somalia.


Palin/Johnson in 2012!