How can we avoid wars like in Iraq and Afghanistan in future?

What can the democratic West do to avoid such absurdly unsubstantiated and extremely risky wars like in Iraq and Afghanistan in future? What's fundamentally wrong with the existing mechanisms of democratic control in the Western countries that could allow such wars to be started in the first place even in countries like UK where about 80% of the population were dead against the Iraq invasion? UK - parliamentarian democracy - plunged into Iraq war a couple of years latter only because it's PM for some absolutely unknown reasons individually decided to do so - how come?!


Favorite Answer

Elect Democrats.


Well, the only way I know to avoid another war is to not respond when they blow up the U.S.S. Cole, our embassies, the World Trade Center, The Pentagon, etc. Just let them kill us all. That should work.


Mind our own business UNLESS they attack US, and
then we need to get bold and hunt them down.


Make sure the president isn't republican