How to avoid wars like in Iraq and Afghanistan in future?

What can the democratic West do to avoid such absurdly unsubstantiated and extremely risky wars like in Iraq and Afghanistan in future? What's fundamentally wrong with the existing mechanisms of democratic control in the Western countries that could allow such wars to be started in the first place even in countries like UK where about 80% of the population were dead against the Iraq invasion? UK - parliamentarian democracy - plunged into Iraq war a couple of years latter only because it's PM for some absolutely unknown reasons individually decided to do so - how come?!


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Ok so I read your blog and I have a few suggestions
1) I see a lot of ranting... not a lot of follow through. A lot of speaking points crammed together. Flesh some of these out a bit.
2) Use proper formatting; as in paragraphs. This was horrid to read.

There is no way to prevent times of wars, only prolong the times of peace. I believe Kant was correct in his ~theory~ of democratic peace; that those voted into power must answer to the masses. Thus he reasoned that elected officials would take the higher road. I also believe he stated that they would rarely or never go to war with one another; meaning two democracies.

I don't believe he stated they wouldn't wage war against non-democratic countries. Which Afghanistan and Iraq were not.


Vote Democrat.


Sure. The USA can simply refuse to respond to any threat from any source until we are governed by imams and ayetollahs. Easy.