39 weeks pregnant and constipated, tried to take castor oil but threw it up, anyone have ideas how to take it?

My dr said I'm ready to go and that its okay to take castor oil, it just tastes disgusting. I've been having cramps all day and I feel constipated and uncomfortable.


Favorite Answer

My opinion, if your Dr told you to take castor oil, you need a new doctor. It will make you cramp up and can stress the baby. It's not good for you or your baby.

Constipation and being uncomfortable is just what 39 weeks pregnant feels like.... i did not enjoy it either! Try drinking lots of water, eating fiber, walking, etc.

Aimee's Mommy2010-11-29T16:54:44Z

I've always been told that castor oil is dangerous because it can cause the baby to have a bowel movement in utero. Then they can breath it in and get a really bad lung infection. I'm kind of surprised to hear that your doctor said it was ok. From the way you are feeling it sounds like you are really close. I know you will hate to hear it but you just have to be patient. Try walking, sitting and bouncing gently on a birthing ball, nipple stimulation, and sex. And just try to get some sleep while you still can.


Everything I've found on it says it's supposed to give you severe diarrhea and cramping, not constipation, so maybe (hopefully) you didn't use enough. It's really not safe. It can cause the baby to pass meconium while still in the womb. It also has never been proved to actually help a woman go into labor..so maybe do a little research and weigh the risks and benefits for yourself. I personally wouldn't go near that stuff.


castor oil is dangerous and should not be used unless your severely constipated and not pregnant. all it will do is give you sever cramping and the runs and could even put your baby into distress and they could do their first poo inside you and that is really dangerous for bub. would you really like to have the runs while your pushing your baby out?? i sure wouldn't. id ask your doctor if their is something else you can have to help you go to the toilet don't force bub to come unless he or she is completely ready too!