Does God desire all men to be saved and know the truth?

does God desire all men to be saved (born again),&know the truth?


Yes,thank you for your answers I just found what I was looking for.
"God desires all men to be saved and come to the full knowledge of the truth"
1st Timothy 2:4
Thank you

Martin S2010-11-30T07:19:52Z

Favorite Answer

Yes. In addition to what it says in 1 Timothy 2:4 it also says...

2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.


"For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God, our Saviour, who will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man, Christ Jesus"

The God of Christianity wants everybody to know the truth about the way of salvation and
Christ Jesus, the Messiah is the way.

( I Timothy Ch. 2 v 4 -5 )


I can remember when I thought being a Christian was so boring,as a young teenager,of course I wasn't saved but just the thought of becoming a Christian I thought boy I would have to quit so much... I was so stupid in my thinking,,after I turned 37 years old,thats when I seen Jesus for who He is and He has changed my life around..the things Jesus wanted me to let go of was only to help me and not hurt me but I didn't know that then.. If I had to do all over again,I would become a Christian as a little child..I wouldn't have to be learning so fast like I am now,,lol... God Bless.....


Why would anybody worship the mythical god Yahweh of the Bible? He lies, cheats, and kills with impunity. But, he says that he loves us!

His mythical son Jesus is a little better, but he wants to torture people forever. The story of Jesus' crucifixion is a horrible story of human sacrifice. Christians even celebrate it by ceremoniously drinking his blood and eating his body. This is ritual vampirism and cannibalism.

Why should anybody believe anything from the Bible? It was written by primitive men who believed that the Earth was flat and covered by a large solid dome called the firmament.

There's no reliable evidence for Jesus, God/Yahweh, Allah, Zeus, Thor, or any of the thousands of other gods that people have worshipped. There's also extensive evidence that they are all just myths, created to help soothe our fear of death, and perpetuated through religion to subjugate the underclass into obedience.


This is a false understanding base on the miss translation of a word in the book. 1 Tim. 2;4 the word desires used by the translator here is the word WILLS in the greek. So lets said it like this IT"S A FACT JACK.

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