Is this the proper french translation?

"Quand nous étions jeunes, nous avons joué dans la neige."
I'm trying to say "When we were young, we used to play in the snow."
Is this the correct way to say it in the french imperfect tense?


Also, "I was thinking of you". I translated to "Je vous pensais à." Is that correct?


Favorite Answer

Quand nous étions jeunes, nous jouions dans la neige.

"Penser" can take 'de' or 'à' but the meaning is different. Penser de means 'to think about' in the sense of have an opinion about. Que pensez-vous de ce film = What do you think of this film?

Penser à means 'to think about', in the sense of direct your thoughts toward. Je pensais à toi/vous = I was thinking of you. With that construction you don't use the object pronous; you use the disjunctive pronouns after the preposition.


Your first part of the sentence was correct with the imparfait but the second time you tried to to use it wasn't.
Here is the correct translation: Quand nous étions jeunes, nous jouions dans la neige.
You were close!!

and for the other sentence you could say it like that but I'd say: Je pensais de vous.


Sven's right for the first sentence.

The other is should be: Je pensais à vous (or fam.: je pensais à toi)

(penser + de changes the meaning a little: Que pensez-vous de moi? = What is your opinion of me?)