How come my background image is gone?

It is just a solid color now. I deleted the image and reselected it, I ticked "save changes",but no image! Anyone else have this issue? It wasn't anything bad either!


I should have stated that this is on my YouTube channel.


Favorite Answer

Selecting Background Image

Here is a step by step guide:

1) At the top of your page there is a variety of options, select "themes and colours".

2) You will see a variety of simple options, but instead click on advanced options.

3) Near the bottom of the options you will see "background image". Select this.

4) Browse through your images and select the one you want. YouTube no longer lets you post other images because of copyright.

5) Once you have the desired option in place, click the save changes icon in the right hand corner of the box.

You can ry putting in your image again, maybe you hadn't everything saved correctly.


Well you could have a virus thats causing it or if your copy of windows isent valid and its caught not being valid your desktop background will go to a solid black color