xbox 360 trouble. anybody else have this problem?

I've had my 360 for about 2 years now. It was working great until recently the system was messing up. Every now and then, I would put in a disc and the message would say "reading" but then it says "open tray" like their was no disc inside. when I listen closely, the disc sounds like its not spinning. I get it to work by rattling the system around and pushing the open/close button multiple times. .... so has anybody had this problem? if so, is there a way to fix it besides sending to a specialist?

oh and I've tried turning the power on and off. doesn't always work...


Favorite Answer

yes that happened to me DO NOT SHAKE THE XBOX it will scratch the disc what u need to do is open it up or send it to microsoft i just blew into it but i couldnt send it to microsoft coz its chipped so i have a friend who is going to re solder the x clamps wich cool it down and make it perform like new


A friend of mine has the same problem.... All he does is he waits for his xbox to warm up before trying to make it run disks... also try changing the position it is sitting in. Like stand it up or lay it down. This might make it work.


if you move your xbox a lot it could just be loose components. i dotn advise fixing this yourself. also jsut a warning if you didnt know. nexer change a 360 from lying position to upright bosition. the orientation messes up and you will ruin your disks and drive.

Scott T2010-12-11T13:34:25Z

I dont have an answer for you but that is the same exact problem that im having myself and its been two years also