Why did Obama use the hostage taker analogy completely wrong?

This was a stupid analogy. All law enforcement agencies DO negotiate with hostage takers UNTIL a hostage gets harmed. Then once the law enforcement realizes that the hostage takers will go as far as to harm a hostage, they prepare to stop negotiations and move in. So what the hell was Obama talking about?

Chewy Ivan 22010-12-09T11:39:14Z

Favorite Answer

No. Analogies are never perfectly similar. They are only somewhat similar in order to illuminate similar relationships.

But if think Obama should hold true to the analogy and use the threat of force to get Republicans to stop tying extension of the Bush tax cuts for top earners with extension of the Bush tax cuts for everyone else, I can support that. Some Republicans refuse to see reason unless they are convinced their decision will have severe consequences on them personally.