my hair is like a dark dark brown but i want it like a redish colour, kind of like miley cyrus but every hair dye i get doesnt seem to do anything to my hair, please help. ive heard bleaching it blonde and then colouring it but is that safe, i dont want blonde hair i am a tanned person, can i bleach it then dye it red? or will my hair fall out?
Sydney Reagan2010-12-12T19:09:05Z
Favorite Answer
Revlon has some good colors, usually drugstores like Target or Rite Aid have a variety of options. If nothing you find you like then you can go to a stylist, but it might be expensive up to 100 bucks! Just print out some color photos of her current hair and take them to the store to compare. Her hair is around Strawberry Blonde... As for dying, drugstores dont usually harm your hair but for salon, i dont know...Hope this helps :)
If u have a sally's hair supply in ur location u can go there and there are products of the brand loreal that have a product used to do red highlights and it works prefectly well to use on the whole head it comes it different levels of red that u choose.... Don't blaech it cause if u bleach and then dye it red it was fade asap
i just went from a dark brown to a red. if you get the colour "intence red" it will turn out as a auburn colour, very dark red. well thats how it turned out for mine!