my poem 'Inside Russia Today' like? not?


Yesterday I saw that new movie
the one about Vladimir, a Russian film-maker
working directly under Josef Stalin.

Vladimir was commissioned a film on Raskilnikof,
ambiguous anti-hero of the Czarist novel,
the metaphysical pawnshop killer.

He would show, must show, how, why
bourgeois society set the stage for brutality
onto which his sick protagonist would walk.

Simultaneously, to appease his conscience,
hiding in the mind from Party slogans,
he must make a statement, however subtle.

Vladimir’s script had made Raskilnikof, played
by Alex Druschevenov, into a movie director
wishing to document the pawn-broker trade.

Other important appearances include
the Bolshoi Ballet, dancing background
to the electrifying murder scene.

It’s hard to deny catharsis
as the bloody Raskilnikof, camera in hand,
heaves his Russian ax into the Volga.

The muted bells of great St. Basil,
over the year’s first snowfall, on Red Square,
where Vladimir, passing Lenin’s Tomb


Favorite Answer



I like it; find it oddly documentary and, yet, that's okay. You're definitely entertainingly articulate, and I've just noticed that I've just noticed you! Your answers are consistent with your writing, so I can only wonder why not more, since you've been out here near as long as I.

At any rate, write on...^10!


Yes that is good. I specially like the title. It made me think, here are things, I know little of - yet just over the top all these things took place - interesting!


Hi nice poem very strong and descriptive words, the voice, the mood and the vision gives this poem a nice flow, i like your poetic style, the pictures words is awesome, i enjoyed reading this poem. Keep it up.


It reads simpler than extra...i believe a great quantity of compassion for her...positioned your self in her footwear reading your artwork before2 million stay individuals, and how many extra on television and radio right here and international. i do no longer understand approximately you yet I in all hazard might have moist myself!