And they used a 5-30W Synthetic blend instead of my usual Mobile One synthetic. They told me this would not make any difference in my engine. I am wondering should I demand they change it to Mobile One or just wait until my next oil change. Also, I usually wait for 5K miles in between changes because of the synthetic structure. Please only knowledgable answers, thank you so much.
Favorite Answer
it will be ok until your next oil change but i would,nt be going back there.
I wouldn't worry about it. Your engine is well protected. As far as how soon should you change your oil, depends sort of on your driving habits. 5K sounds OK. Problem is oil don't break down a lot of times, but you get a lot of other foreign stuff in oil from the engine. This is really why you should change your oil.
was it sustainably cheaper.. if they used a synthetic blend .. instead of pure synthetic and the price was the same than.. at least get some of a refund.. in all actuality one time won't hurt or really make a difference.. but its also your car and if it bothers you than you are most entitled to what you asked for with out substitution.
Return and INSIST they replace it with Mobil1 and NOTHING BUT Mobil1, those clowns sold you a bill of goods. Full synthetic oil has no paraffins or asphalts (major components of sludge) and will keep your engine clean enough to eat off of (figuratively of course). I'd recommend that you look for another lube center (NOT *Iffy Lube) for oil changes from now on, it won't void your warranty.