Should lying to your partner about birth control be a sex offense?

From the Assange case, we learn that in Sweden, not wearing a condom after a woman consented to sex with a condom is, apparently, a sex offense.  If that is so, shouldn't it also be a sex offense when a woman lies about taking birth control? Doesn't it have to cut both ways? And why aren't men, saddled with 18 years of child support after a woman "forgot" to take the pill she said she'd taken, lodging criminal complaints on that basis?


Ruth Ann,
Men who lie about the "big V cut" are held accountable. If you have their child, they end up paying child support for many years. The question is whether women should also be held accountable.


This one's too tough for me to decide. You've all given very good answers. Thank you and happy holidays.


George, thanks for the link to SAFE HAVEN LAWS. Very interesting.


Favorite Answer

The use of a condom also carries the question of STD avoidance, this makes it an offense. Contraception is not 100% effective with any method so paternity issues are different.

Deliberate lying about contraception should be a Civil Case. Breach of Contract, Entrapment, False Pretenses or something ?????


The issue would be a little complex. How do you know she didn't take the pill at the time of the sex? By the time she gets pregnant, it is too late to test for estrogen levels. All birth control methods have failure points, so how you do you prove it was not a failure, and it was on purpose? As for using a condom, either that, nor oral sex prevents pregnancy in a determined woman who wants a child and will use the semen and a self insemination kit. The spermicide in condoms have a limit shelf life of effectiveness. You only alternative is the Safe Haven Laws.


We sure can tell U R all about men's rights. What about guys who lie about the big V cut? Or a million other things? These things are always going to exist as long as there are two sexes.


I became a teenage father because a partner lied about birth control. How-ever I still raised the child and supported her. Now she's married.

Its hard to take to court a case on 'lying'. I don't think it would be a good idea to make it an offense.



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