Should pregnancy out side of wedlock be determined a "Moral Hazard"?
Moral hazard occurs when a party insulated from risk behaves differently than it would behave if it were fully exposed to the risk.
Moral hazard arises because an individual or institution does not take the full consequences and responsibilities of its actions, and therefore has a tendency to act less carefully than it otherwise would, leaving another party to hold some responsibility for the consequences of those actions.
For example, a person with insurance against automobile theft may be less cautious about locking his or her car, because the negative consequences of vehicle theft are (partially) the responsibility of the insurance company.
Is today's woman less cautious concerning pregnancy because of contraceptives, and ultimately, child support payments?
Edit: Is there a disconnect here? What I'm asking is whether women who have sex outside of marriage with men who don't want to have children with them, are less careful concerning pregnancy avoidance because of safeguards such as the pill, child support and even government aid. Would women be more careful if they had to shoulder all responsibility in the support of such children?
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No, but they need to be teach boys in high school that they forfeit a basic civil rights by having a child with a woman they are not married to. Http://Single_Fathers_N_Paternity.Dads-House.Org
Should We Live Together? What Young Adults Need to Know about Cohabitation before Marriage David Popenoe and Barbara Dafoe Whitehead Rutgers University Study Cohabiting couples breakup three times more than married couples. Cohabiting couples that later marry have a 46% higher rate of divorce than those who did not cohabit prior to marriage.
It is sickening to see all of this in the news. It make me realize how dark I could really be if someone did this and were in striking distance of me. Why then do these people slip through the cracks of the Judaical system. People neglecting basic health care causing death of a child a ****** kid, or the asshole in Galveston TX that microwaved his daughter or here in the city I work in, a guy kills his girlfriend and then tries to eat her. Also not but three or four years ago the woman that drags her kids to the back yard and stones them to death... outrageous Almost all of these were done in the name of "god" well this is not the "god" I show respect to. ****** all who go out and do this **** in the name of some fallacy. It is no wonder atheist are considered better people they are not diluted with all this psychobabble bullshit so many people are fed. Jamus sorry for taking a lot of space, but why are these people allowed to live after wards and how come I cant find away to squeeze the life from these type of people. They should "pray" to this fallacy god that I should never cross paths with them. And I would more people feel this way.
Am I missing something here? why was your last comment "Is today's woman less cautious concerning pregnancy because of contraceptives, and ultimately, child support payments?" I'm a guy and I find this extremely offensive to women. At what point in time did the decision to have sex fall squarely on the shoulders of women?
Plenty of couples have families without the piece of paper. A few years ago I was reading that it was 35% in Denmark, and men there spend more time with their kids than anywhere else. They are entitled to paternity leave (as they are in Sweden) and in both countries they take advantage of the opportunity.
So its not the piece of paper that matters so much. The underlying values must be intrinsically there to begin with; the paper neither creates nor destroys value systems.
Even if you get pregnant and you're married your partner can leave you. just cause you're married doesn't mean all bad things dealing with sex go away.
and just cause you didn't get married doesn't mean you can't have a family.