My ex boyfriend talks trash about other ex girlfriends?
I have an ex boyfrend of about 7 years. For years I have resisted a friendship with him but he has pestered me to death about wanting to reman friends. (I broke up with him by the way). When we talk he loves to talk trash about his other ex girlfriends so I know he talks trash about me. Since then I have limted my conversations with him to shallow ones like "Hello, how are you" "I'm fine" "How is mom". He is adamant about remaining friends with all of his exes but I am the only one who doesn't see the point. Why does he do this?
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it seems to be that he needs that to make himself feel better, its very immature that he talks badly about his other ex's and it seems like he needs to deal with his anger and feelings concerning those ex's
Keep doing what you're doing and don't give it a second chance.
The answer to your question is his ego. You don't have to entertain him with a reason as to why just continue to be polite and move on without remaining his friend.
There's obviously a reason why you're not together with him so if he has nothing better to talk about then trashing ex girlfriends, well then so be it. You're better off without him.
He doesn't like the fact that there are individuals, especially women, who do not or may not like him. By remaining friends, he feels more secure and "liked." The more you resist his friendship the harder he will push to maintain it. If you really don't want to remain friends, it's going to take some serious ball-busting on your part. Good luck.
who knows why he does it. And for that matter who cares? He talks trash about other people to you, and you know (or suspect with good reason anyways) that he is doing it to you with other people. My suggestion is to tell him you do NOT want to be friends with him and lay out the reasons why. Who knows, a miracle might happen and he might even realize what a jerk he is being. But I wouldn't count on it :)
some guys see ex girl friends as a ''conquered quest'', or ''another notch in the belt''.either he is bragging about ex girl friends as a way to see if you still care or just plain bragging like he's a lady's man.he seems arrogant. i don't think i'd be anything other than friends with him.god bless you. happy new year!!