How any MB are required for streaming video and fast internet speeds?

I'm presently looking to switch my internet provider, as the monthly cost of service is much higher than the competition, and the TV package is high as well. ATT has some very inexpensive internet pricing. Of course they call it all "High Speed" internet. . . but what mb do I need to run in order to have good fast speed, download videos, and run multiple screens effectively?


And also, I have multiple computers in the home. I assume that makes a difference as well.


and excuse my omitting the "M" in many . . oops!

The J-man2011-01-03T08:58:27Z

Favorite Answer

I assume you mean multiple computer monitors, you don't need a fast internet for that. Now for streaming videos I think you mean watching streaming videos not streaming them yourself, for that any highspeed broadband connection or better will do it depends on how fast you want to download and at what quality you want for watching videos. I myself have a broadband connection which peaks at about 300kb also note that when talking about download speed it's kilo "bits" and mega "bits" and giga "bits" not bytes. Now if you get 1MB connection you should be fine for most things depends on how much you watch also the better the connection the more expensive so its all up to your budget.


Verison DSL isn't intense velocity cyber web for one- this is basically advertised as intense velocity while in comparison with Dial up. Cable provider (occasion:Comcast) or ATT U-verse / Verizon Fios are all quickly! Now that stated, If it replaced into as quickly as quicker then you definately've now. some issues have replaced. #a million) yet another computer is making use of bandwidth - somebody else consistent with risk making use of your cyber web connection - do you have an unsecured on the spot community interior the homestead? (look after it) #2) DSL is constrained in some section's and the community Admin (provider service) is site visitors Shaping. #3) yet another application has replaced settings or your contaminated with some thing. ______________________________________... Do a virulent disease test! Boot your laptop into risk-free mode with networking and then do a velocity attempt. See in case you get a much extra useful consequence than in widely used mode. Get a sparkling cyber web service