Don't you just hate it when you spend ages on a question and find it deleted?

I know they are often contentious issues, self-harm, bigotry, religious or racial intolerance... but really people should have done their thinking before they post...not 20 minutes later. Do you think there should be an apology or explanation?


Favorite Answer

oh crap, my answer was deleted before I could type it


It's so fcuking annoying.
Especially when a question is worded insensitively, and the report-rats delete it, but it was still a valid question. Anyway, nah, I don't think there should be an apology or explanation, but I think people should stop doing that and stop reporting every little offensive thing.


confident. of direction! *a jointly as in the past, I gained a Yahoo solutions e mail via fact some female reported my Yahoo solutions to her question (What vehicle does this one movie star drives?) and that i replied back "Are you like stalking him or something?" I advise that became in basic terms an answer. i did not advise to be rude or something. And so, this internet site minus my factors & deleted my solutions. *via the way, cool poem! :)


Annoying but typically in this forum there's another "question" i.e. insult or racial barb, lurking around very similar to the one that got deleted so you can repost your answer there.

Ed Fox2011-01-08T03:42:53Z

Happens quite a lot actually. Even totally innocent questions that don't deserve any report are sometimes deleted

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