High school girl cross country runners?

How many miles do run over the summer? My coach wants us to run between 40 to 50 miles a week. I made a plan and it has me run 400 miles over the entire summer. Is that too much or just right?
Female, age 15
Summer between Sophomore and Junior year
21:41 5k PR
Will be running track in spring, taking 1 week off before starting plan



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Yeah, that's good, that's pretty much what I do over the summer.




That is pretty good. Although you are still young, so that is decent. Although get your stamina up now, and then work on speed and your breathe as you go. Plus gives you time to work on your diet and such.

Try Yoga when you are on your recovery or slow days, so your flexibility increases and you reduce chances of injury. Also I recommend drinking milk or chocolate milk after a workout or run so your body recovers more smoothly; with milk, it has calcium and runners have some of the strongest bone density because of the shocks sent up on the skeleton. So the calcium helps repair the bones faster and then the milk has proteins to rebuild muscles faster. So it might help to eat better too. So you won't get injured or anything.


i might recommend build up a stable base. rather of doing miles i love to do it for time whilst i'm development a base. Run for 30 minutes or extra to initiate 4-5 days each week and have a protracted day that's quarter-hour longer than generally going on. Over the summer season boost the time and via the time you initiate prepare with the group you are able to desire to be in large shape.


thats not to much. your coach is right. but if you fell tired and sore because the miles ar to high lower them because only you know what your body can handle. you have to listen to your body. take a day off a eek to recover to.

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