What would be Invention after Computer & Mobile.?
As the Time runs day by day we find new Inventions by science.
As far as I think Computer is the Most advanced technology in present era.
Electricity - Bulb - Radio - TV - Computer
What is Next....?
As the Time runs day by day we find new Inventions by science.
As far as I think Computer is the Most advanced technology in present era.
Electricity - Bulb - Radio - TV - Computer
What is Next....?
Favorite Answer
Presently Mobiles are being developed very fast and some day it surely will replace Computers (try finding Video of Mozilla Seabird Mobile), many capabilities are already added in mobiles and many more will be added.
I don't exactly know about future but still can think and imagine about future technology.
☺ Wireless technology, Human Network, Faster Communication and Micro & Nano technology might be combined some day and can result inbuilt computers in Humans that can keep them always online and make them more capable.
☺ we can develop some thing which can travel faster then Light (it would not be any vehicle and humans will may not be able to travel on initial phase).
☺ Some New Energy Sources can be invented and Resource Utilization will be more optimized and economic.
☺ It is certain that whatever will be developed next shall be less physical, lighter, Smaller, more Intelligent and Eco friendly. As I think Virtual Reality concept of Movie Matrix can also be real some day.
☺ May we discover Extra Terrestrial Creatures and Aliens and we may also discover lives on other Stars.
☺ Thousands of People are working with large corporate and are gradually developing many technologies. Some of them will be served to us very soon, and some after a while. There will not be a sudden great invention but invention shall be done and later evaluated.
☺ We might be able to predict about the Future after studying present conditions but time traveling think will not be possible
Let's see What comes in future but if anyone has any idea or concept about any new technology he should let everybody know about it to bring it in reality or someone can help to improve it (Like in development of computers and Mobiles several people contributed and still doing).
With the large push towards green technologies the next big advancements will be in how electric is produced. Cold fusion
But in the meantime we may get an even more advanced 'clapper' from the Chinese. I, for one, am keeping my fingers crossed.
Guity N
It would be something around converting energy to material.