Is Jesus too liberal for today's Conservatives/ Republicans to learn from and worship as true believer's?
I would tend to think that Conservatives would see Jesus as being weak. How could they honestly serve and worship him? He was very open, accepting, and diverse in his thinking and application of love. He was charitable, giving, peaceful, and loving. How can your Tea Party Members, Birther's, and Ultra-Conservatives truthfully say that they serve him? They are very unforgiving, closed-minded, brash, ethnocentric, and exclusive it seems to really be Christian, or am I wrong?
Not bashing, trying to make a correct observation. Hopefully the truth will do justice here.
About riches: Luke 6:24, 1 Tim. 6:6-10, Matt. 19:23-24.
Conservative: Jared Loughner?
V.G. Grace2011-01-10T10:42:08Z
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Christ, when He was on earth, ministered to the downtrodden and excluded...the prostitutes, the tax collectors, the ill, the poor. He saved a woman who had committed adultery from an angry mob who were planning to stone her. He spread the message of peace, mercy, COMPASSION, and love. That's very different from the scene I witnessed in a YouTube video of another angry mob throwing dollar bills in mockery at a disabled man because of their fury towards the healthcare bill. That's very different from a tea party member threatening to throw an innocent man "into the river" (witnessed this in another video). That's very different from people at these rallies yelling racial slurs, and spitting on people. It's the ANTITHESIS of people showing up at rallies with rifles, and frightening people.
I saw on TV news about a seriously sick little kid whose struggling family received medical assistance and right-wingers were sending this family death threats because they dared to accept aid for their son who very possibly could've died without it.
How does one reconcile a belief in a loving God with that type of venom?
The message of mercy and compassion seems anathema to a great many people who hold these right-wing extremist viewpoints, which makes it all the more disorienting when so many profess to be "Christian". Really? Would Jesus show up at a rally wielding a gun? People such as this make us all as Christians look like shrill, ignorant bigots and presents a very bad image to not only our own country, but the international community.
I am a Christian and I don't believe in HYPOCRISY.
We as Christians are bound to respect and obey the law and government under which we live, and we should also LOVE our neighbor as we love ourselves and love our enemies as well. These so-called right winger "Christians" talk a good talk about their spirituality but their actions, too often, displays hatred, discrimination, racism, ill will, disrespect for their fellow human beings, greed, and selfishness.
EDIT: Thumbs down for sharing my belief in a loving God, and not a hypocritical, hateful God? How Christian of the dear conservatives.
You are stupid. You tend to think with a closed mind. Conservatives/Republicans are trying to preserve a once prosperous nation for your and their posterity as well as maintain a non oppressive form of government. Charity is giving voluntarily, it is not regulated by any government. In as much as ye have done any of these for the least of these my brethren ye have done it also even unto me. That is not the government taxing us that is give freely without force or coercion. Charity is from the heart, not from the tax return. Christ also taught the parable of many talents. Almost everyone is give some talent and it should be used instead of depending upon others to support you. Nearly none of Jesus teachings were political and all were only to preach. When asked about his reign he said my kingdom is not of this world. Your observation is very slanted to the point of obscenity.
Additional: In reviewing other answers it is good to see those who supported the conservative side stood by the written word (some would be printed in red) while those who criticized failed to do so. They can't support their argument with the words Christ actually said and that is enough said.
Christ was not weak in any way, but he didn't preach much of what people manipulate for the sake of politics.
He did not believe in socialism. He did not hate the rich. He did not campaign for criminal rights. He told people who were sinning to stop and never do it again, not that they were just fine living how they liked. He encouraged generosity and helping the community, which is precisely what the majority of churches in the nation do via foodbanks, homeless shelters, and countless volunteer efforts. He preached personal accountability and responsibility. He was open and accepting, unlike most libs, who see opponents as enemies instead of just having the right to believe differently of anything. Libs claim to be "open" and "tolerant" while crusading to shut down Fox News, talk radio and any other entity which contradicts them. They have a habit of manifesting every single trait they accuse conservatives of holding.
This is the typical perpetuation of stereotypes as seen by "educated" liberals.
Edit: On riches, again the libs are far more obsessed with money. Money is not the evil, as if you've read the verses you list, you already know. The adoration and worship of it is as well as the dubious schemes to get more. Doesn't matter if it actually belongs to you or not.
The eye of the needle is a human sized gate to a fortified city, implying if anyone attains any amount of wealth, it is their responsibility to personally give to others. It was very difficult to fit camels through when travelers visited at night. Not impossible. Difficult. With great power, comes great responsibility, as the adage goes. They did not have sewing needles in biblical times nor did they have sewing machines, bedazzlers or cotton blends. I don't know what that's even an issue.
i think of that maximum "conservatives" right this moment (different than the somewhat previous ones) nevertheless have faith REAGAN could be wide-unfold by skill of right this moment's GOP, which needless to say he does not...he grow to be a UNION chief before he grow to be Governor, for Goodness sake! He'd be chased off with a convincing "No!" for a number of the flaws he could somewhat say!
Politically speaking......I don't think the son of God or Him for that matter thought it was passively acceptable to stone to death infidels in current times. And is that what libs call "progressive" 2011 years after the death of Jesus?? Sounds like reverse Darwinism to me and that my friend has never been endorsed by conservatives.