I have looked into Miniature Donkeys as pets, without just asking breeders, what is the general opinion?

I have visited a few breeders, and naturally they are all for the Miniature Donkeys as fine pets. I do admit they are friendly when you go out amoungst them. They are cute and seem to be relatively easy to care for. Has anyone ever had one, what are the feeding requirements, and what about Vet Services?


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I currently own a standard donkey, but have owned a mini in the past
the toughest thing was finding a farrier!!!
feeding - very easy to feed - no oats or they get fat - just pasture, and hay in the winter

your vet will know what vaccinations are needed in your area

jacks can be MEAN if not handled correctly.

YES they are very friendly - ours follows us like a puppy!


here is a link on their personality


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Miniature Donkeys have a sensetive digestive system and are prone to colic. They need small amounts of feed throughout the day and are very easy keepers.