Astrology IS inaccurate and has been for a long time..?

All of these people claiming that astrology hasn't messed up are simply wrong. Astrology stopped following actual star movement long ago and has no bearing on reality, neither human personality not actual constellation activity.
"The animation illustrates why the astrology calendar is a month out of alignment, and how it lost the plot with the actual location of the Sun in the Zodiac...."

Ashley M2011-01-14T12:01:27Z

Favorite Answer

so did you have a question or just a rant?

people have actually known about sidereal astrology for years. it just took some dude in minnesota with a telescope making a stink out of it to get anyone to notice.

traditional astrology has not changed at all

whether or not you put any stock in astrology, i truly wish people would educate themselves fully before they go rambling about crap
