Is it safe to assume Morbid Angel's next album will start with the letter "I"?

I've been a fan of Morbid Angel for a while now, but just recently noticed that their albums names follow alphabetical order. Does anyone know what the name of their 2011 release will be? Any guesses?

1989 - Altars of Madness
1991 - Blessed are the Sick
1993 - Covenant
1995 - Domination
1996 - Entangled in Chaos (ep)
1998 - Formulas Fatal to the Flesh
2000 - Gateways to Annihilation
2003 - Heretic

2011 - ?

BQ: Do you know any other bands that do this?


Favorite Answer

That sounds awesome :D

I'm'll be ''K''

BQ: Dunno