If politics didn't cause the mass murders, why did obama and his wife both lecture us on the being more civil-?

and encourage tv and news to not use divisive language?

Isn't this the same guy who said if they bring knives, we'll bring guns?

And if politics did cause this mass murder, why isn't this lune being charged as a Combatant or terrorist?
Please someone who actually knows, rather than a mass of assumptive answers.

Dead Parrot Society☮2011-01-18T10:21:27Z

Favorite Answer

It's interesting that you added you wanted substantive answers, yet you use loaded phrasing in your question. You say you don't want "assumptive answers," but you say that Obama "lectured us." He didn't lecture us. He responded like any other president would have responded. How is that so difficult to see?

As far as his statement, he should bring down the tone, but he didn't say in his speech that he, or anyone else was except from using divisive language.

And the whole question of politically-driven crime being regarded as terrorism or combat is utterly ridiculous. There's no precedent for it, and there have been plenty of politically-motivated crimes, including murder/assassination that were prosecuted as regular crimes.


Obama merely says, does, and recollects merely what he chooses to whilst he is going to be the benefactor of money, products, or potential. He has thrown us all below the bus. Now Obama does not have Alzheimer's, yet he's a grasp at manipulation and deception. i think of Nancy has Alzheimer's. besides, Obama replaced into raised to be a marxist, communist, socialist or what ever you pick to call it. the two factors of his relatives have faith that the state could desire to offer for the a lot, with the only exception being that he has the potential, money, and products. Obama has in no way "suffered," or has in no way had to artwork annoying for something. He replaced into given each and every thing from start. So, whilst he's lecturing us on spending it truly is because of the fact "Father is conscious ideal" concept being that Obama is the super father and you're so stupid, and he's no longer.

Philip H2011-01-18T13:40:02Z

They don't want to have serious debates about anything Obama has done.
They are attempting to get away with their months of vitriol while not allowing a reply now that the Republicans have a majority in the House.
Think the Republicans are stupid enough to fall for it?
Wouldn't surprise me.

Sock Monkey2011-01-18T10:16:18Z

Michelle Obama talking to the First Lady of Brazil over the 2016 Olympic games bid...

So, the First Lady of the United States and the First Lady of Brazil sit down to dinner. Michelle Obama turns to her South American counterpart and says, "I'm going to hug you now – and then I'm going after you!"

"Gloves are off," the lifetime Chicagoan said on the eve of her trip to Copenhagen to lobby for Chicago.

Yeah she's a really peaceful woman.... you can take woman out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the woman.


Well, and this is a longshot (oops!) perhaps they thought that being civil would make things better than being uncivil?
Yeah you're right - too far out to be possible.

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