Where In The World Is This Weather Forecast For?

This is the weather forecast for the most unlikely place in the world. Where is it's location?
"Coudy skies, possible thunderstorms, freezing rain, snow, and big surf are all in the forecast for ????? today. Jan. 19th, 2011." You won't believe the answer. I'll put it up tonight for those answering.


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Haleakala on Maui as well as Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa on Hawaii often have freezing conditions in winter. Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa are both over 13,600 feet high so snow is not ususual and Haleakala is 10,000 feet high so freezing and snow happens there too. Thunderstorms are not uncommon on any of the other islands.



Unfortunately, it can be inevitable that a maniac will reap the potential of igniting such an trade.. Can't say whilst, however we will pay attention approximately it by means of tom-tom from mountain height to mountain height.




sounds like somewhere on the east coast. Boston area, or maybe a bit farther south.