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What is the weather forecast in your part of the world? What season is it?

Does your region get enought rain? Too much? Do you have an adequate water supply? Are you concerned about global warming?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    it is winter and weather is that we want ice

  • 1 decade ago

    Where I live, (Portugal) the forecast for next days is of some showers and wind. The season is official autumn, but it looks like it's winter. This year has been a very rainy autumn...i'm 14 years old, and I don't remember such as this rain falling! Yes, in my region, we have an adequate water supply, and I'm very concerned about global warming. For example, during aproximately 90 days (21 June to 20 September - summer), had occured 20 thunderstorms. You may say, "that's normal in summer" in Portugal...if say that the average thunderstorms in summer is 3.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is two days after Thanksgiving here in southern Vermont. Last night the temperature got down to 20 degrees, but it will warm to the mid 50s this afternoon. Clear skies, beautiful! We get enough rain and have adequate water supplies. I am not concerned about global warming.

  • 1 decade ago

    Late fall in central Texas, sunny, dry and temps in the 70's-November is awesome here. We have been experiencing a severe drought since last fall, but we have hopes that the winter months will bring good rains from the El Nino that has formed. There have been water restrictions and the lake levels are low. This is not too uncommon for this area. Global warming is a concern of mine.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Autumn and the weather is cool, breezy, a bit of light rain drizzle now and then. (Northern California) Rain and water supply is right on the mark and adequate. Concerned about global warming ? . . . I do care and pay attention yet in the 1960's people were building bomb shelters in their backyards in anticipation of the big bomb, there is concern of overpopulation in relation to food / living space, we're building homes on some of the most fertile soil in the world thus taking away precious land for crops . . . etc. Point is...there has always been and continues to be something of concern. Solution...focus, pay attention, do what we can then just keep getting back to our everyday lives of relating to those on our life's journey.

  • 1 decade ago

    Summer on my island, tempt 30-35 in the shade, ideal for holidays. Rainy season will start in Jan-mid April. Presently there a water cuts but it's not that often.

    Global warming doesn't seem to be the biggest concern of the government as opposed to rendering their unpopular measures palatable amongst society

  • 5 years ago

    i imagine it really is extra a depiction of what's taking position. a proof ought to conceal "why" the Atlantic air were 'blocked'. notwithstanding, there is no longer something I disagree with. particularly I trust the perfect paragraph: "the present chilly climate interior the united kingdom is area of the conventional interior sight transformations that ensue interior the iciness season. It doesn’t let us know something about climate substitute, which must be appeared at in a international context and over longer sessions of time." there's a distinction between climate and climate, though this seems previous many the following!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is late fall here in Ontario. Current temp is 2C heading to a sunny high of 11C. Tomorrow, much the same as today withan expected high of 13C.

    To answer your other questions:

    - yes we get enough rain

    - not too much

    - yes we do

    - a little but not enough to lose sleep

  • Sam
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Bright and sunny pre-winter (in most of South Asia).

  • 1 decade ago

    romania... it a tipical autumn here, cloudy, rather cold... no rain or wind yet, but that will happen soon :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    usa... wisconsin... 57F out... not too bad. its becoming winter though.. we get enough rain. everythings just dandy.

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