Teak Oil for a gun stock finish?

So i have been messing around with a winter time project, i am refinishing my POS Mosin 91/30. I dont expect a show quality item, and i know im simply polishing a turd. Its cheap entertainment until i can see the ground again.

My question: the stock is solid wood (no laminate) and i have already scraped, stripped, sanded and steel wooled the stock. Its actually not a bad looking piece of timber, considering. I have decided to go with a dark brown jacobean stain, and im not sure of what to use for a final finish. The wood appears to be some type of medium hardwood, its fairly close grained.

I want a matte or satin look, and have mixed advice on Tung, teak or polyurathane finishes. I dont really want to go for polyurethane, so that leaves Teak or Tung oil, unless somebody has a better idea.



Favorite Answer

Hmm... didn't the Russians use a lot of birch in their rifle stocks? If so, probably any decent oil finish will suffice.

Anyway, I'd go with Teak oil. It looks nice. Slather on a coat, steel wool (000), and then another coat. Repeat as necessary.

Have you considered linseed oil?


BLO is probably the most accurate, cheapest and the most work. Tung is probably the most expensive and best. I don't know anything about teak oil.

Bear Crap2011-01-25T15:38:24Z

I have used the oils the others suggested but I use Birchwood-Casey Tru Oil more than any other oil finish. Works for me.

Dave M2011-01-25T15:05:34Z

I would go with the tung oil -


Any decent sporting good store should have it.I've gotten it from K-Mart