Do you remember Torry Hansen and the son she adopted?

from Russia and then put her 8 yr old adopted son on a plane, alone, back to Russia?
Appears that the Russian govt has filed in Tennessee for the adoptive mother to pay child support for her adopted son who is now living in a Russian orphanage, courtesy of her 'abandoning' him, alone on a plane back to Russia. The Russian govt. wants this adoptive mother to pay $2,500 a month in child support, seems her attorney believes the adoptive mother doesn't have to pay. The Russian gov't is also trying to terminate Torry Hansen's parental rights, but Torry it appears is not being cooperative. I feel she has the same obligation to pay child support for her adopted son, the same as any non-adoptive parent is required to pay by law, when the child no longer lives with the parent. Don't adoptive parents have the same legal obligation and responsibility to pay child support 'as if' the child was born to them? Torry Hansen also has not been charged with any crime...though we all know that if a bio parent had put their 8 yr old child on a plane to a destination a thousand miles away, to parts unknown and alone...that bio parent would most likely be charged with child endangerment, child abandonment, child neglect. Why is Torry not being charged with a crime?

Do you believe that Torry Hansen should be required to pay child support or not?
Do you believe that Torry Hansen should be charged with a crime or not?


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Good questions, Gypsy!

Yes, I believe that Torry Hansen should have to pay child support and provide medical coverage and pay boarding expenses for the child she adopted, That would be the just thing and would be the same thing required of any parent" in similar circumstances.

Yes, I believe that Torry Hansen should be charged with every single crime that even remotely applies, then prosecuted and sentenced to the fullest extent. Since this child was adopted internationally, and it was an international incident when she returned him, there surely must be international charges pending on her, and if not, perhaps Russia has some criminal charges they are considering. If so, I think she should be extradited to Russia to face charges there, too.

Futher, I believe that the agency that placed this child with this woman should also be investigated, along with the Social Worker who conducted the Home Study, There had to have been glaring oddities in the psychological profiling done on her to have missed this tendency. And, if no psychological profile was done on her that missed this glaring deficiency in her character, I would suggest that this be added to ALL future Home Studies done on ALL future adoptions.

This is a disturbing case, on many levels. Adoptive parents need to be held to the same standards, at least, that natural parents are held. Further, the people who rubber stamp these PAPs as fit because they have the capacity to sign their name to their checks need to also be held accountable. Clearly there had to have been indicators that this woman was not fit to parent a slug, let alone a child who is yanked from his culture, his language and his familiar surroundings.

Yes, Your Honor...GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS!!!


"Do you believe that Torry Hansen should be required to pay child support or not?
Do you believe that Torry Hansen should be charged with a crime or not?"

Yes and emphatically Yes. What that woman did was horrible and unconscionable.

Of course, I'm not going to use this as yet another opportunity to demonize adoptive parents. But what that woman did precludes her, in my mind, from being called a mother and is clearly wrong.


If anything should ever happen to your fiance (and you know how "murphy's law" works), you would not be able to sue the biological father for child support. If you are not independently wealthy, that might be a problem. On the other hand, if you are financially well off and believe that your son would be better off without having any contact with his biological father, you should do this as soon as possible. You are correct in thinking that your son's father might change his mind. It would be something I'd have a hard time signing.. a form giving up any claim that I have in respect to a son.


As an adopted child myself, and now an adoptive parent, I would like the full force of the law to be used against her. I can no more understand her actions than I can swim to the moon.

If any other potential adoptive parents were put off by her punishment, then they shouldn't be considering adoption in the first place. Adopting older children is hard - no child is perfect but kids in care are often psychologically damaged, by their birth parents, their time in care or both. They need mountains of time, patience and (most of all) love. If a prospective adopter isn't prepared for this, they have no business adopting in the first place. Better that a child remains in care than that he or she faces such a soul-destroying rejection.


Yes, she should be required to pay. I think and hope she should be/is barred from ever adopting again. I think she should be charged with child endangerment. That child has all the same rights a birth child would have. I wonder if I put my 8 year old BIRTH son on a plane to a foriegn country for the purpose of abandonment, would I be charged? I would hope so! I think it is a disgrace that she hasn't been charged on this already.

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