Where to buy a hand operated generator?

For a museum exhibit, I need a hand cranked generator that will power a 14-inch fan. All the ones I find on the web are "toys," build-yourself, or very low voltage. 99% of the links in a Google search turn out to be stalker sites.


No, it's a smaller fan -- only about 30 watts. We can shift to DC if we could find the right generator. The idea is to show how much "work" is required to do a simple task. Everyone has seen the old "light bulb" example ... this fan is part of a larger "Green" exhibit under an agricultural theme.


ANY HELP beyond the 'toys' or 'flashlight' levels would be greatly appreciated.


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A fan of that size would need perhaps 100W or 200W. To produce that by hand you would need a very large and strong person, and I think you may be too ambitious.

There is a reason why hand cranked generators are basically 'toys'.