What is the best safety on a 1911?

Should I cock it and use the safety lever, or half cock it. I want to maintain condition 1.


Hmm Im getting mixed replies here, just as in my other research. Does having it ****** or half ****** produce more wear? Half ****** doesnt engage the grip safety?

Ive been keeping it ******.

Cane Toad Mutiny2011-02-11T14:04:28Z

The most unsafe way you can carry a 1911 is on halfcock, this doesn;t engage either of the built in safeties. The 1911 was designed to be carried with the hammer back and the safety on. Ignore the uninformed dangerous answer that tells you to carry it halfcocked.


I believe condition 1 is chamber loaded, fully c0cked, with the safety on for a 1911.


Half cock, only cowboys and fools carry it ****** and locked. If you don't want to take the time to cock, trade it in on a Glock.


mag in then rack one,,,,thus your safe and in a home entry sit the dumb asksssss may hear it and hit the road work with all pumps shot guns