SC's, do you agree with this ?

and, if not, why not ?
I'm just curious,,,,,,Thank you,,,,,


It will probably get kicked off, but I hope you get a chance to answer before it goes away.....


awww, heck folks, we're all friends here, I know you ladies don't "nag" your husbands,,,much,,,,,(only kidding **wink, wink)
Me and "Sweetie Face" celebrated our 47th last Monday (the 14th Valentines Day), and a friend sent this to me, and I wanted to share with everyone.


And of course, Guys, this song goes both ways, so go buy your Sweetie Face some flowers and say nice things to her, it won't hurt....


Favorite Answer

I hope it doesn't get deleted. So funny! Thanks for sharing. And congratulations for your anniversary and long marriage. You should be very proud.


No woman wants to be a nag, but it seems some men need a little push now and then to get them motivated. Hubby is one of those men and after 42 years you would think he had a grip on things and do what needs to be done without 'nagging'. No such luck, so what is a long suffering woman to do? Hire help!!! Poppy

June smiles2011-02-17T17:15:24Z

Love it! I know its true, I remember both of my husbands at one time or another after a particular gripey day pretty much saying something similar to me!

Just remember there are two sides to every gripe! Wish I could think of a song to respond with. :)


I do like that song. That is Vince Gill before he split and went on his own.

Agree with it? Well, some guys need to be prodded along, but I'd hate to be the one saddled with such a drag.


"Now my life's a country song" ... lol
Longevity in relationships lends it self banality and under appreciation. I tend to agree w/ your link though every couple will weigh the factors to determine that which will be "endured". I'd rather be single than henpecked.

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