Is having six colon polyps removed unusual for a 28 year old?

My husband had a colonoscopy done recently after several incidents of bleeding during his bowel movements. They said that he had polyps, six of them to be exact, and the one was fairly large. They are now be tested for cancer. They also did a small biopsy on his smaller intestine to test for colitis. Is it normal to have this many polyps at such a young age (28 y.o.)? We go back to the doctor 2 weeks from now.

Póg Mo Thóin2011-02-19T13:31:45Z

Favorite Answer

It seems a bit much. I suspect your husband is going to get this done again in 1 to 3 years to be sure there aren't any new ones.


I have been surfing the web and looking for answers about this as I am sure you have been. I had a polyp removed when I was 23 and only went back once for a colonoscopy. I need to since it has been 13 years since my last check-up and I have a history of colon cancer (as of this week) in my immediate family. I think that it is important to remember that not all polyps are cancerous and that caught in time, it will prevent them from ever becoming cancerous. Wish you all the best, and I am sorry that you had to read these posts.


Congratulations on taking the first step and having the procedure done at such an early age. I would assume you have had it checked. As a cancer survivor I truthfully believe people should have many things checked early to establish a baseline for their health. Once that is established you now hav something to reference should something cancerous come up later. To me this means colon, prostate, breast, cholesterol, etc. or anything you or your family may have a history of. Since I had a baseline it was easy for me to determine how fast my cancer was growing. Regarding your husband the answer would have to do with the type of diet he eats. Saying a 28 year old without more Information I would say no. But based on his diet it could be very likely. I hope this helps and wish you both all the best with the results. Good luck


I'm guessing that six polyps is unusual for someone only 28 years old. I had two benign adenomas removed at age 42 and I was completely shocked as I have a great diet and a low BMI. My gastro docs recommend a follow up colonoscopy every five years. Hopefully your husband has benign adenomas also. Good luck.


Hoping for B9 results. Colon cancer is treatable if caught early. Good Luck!

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