Spanish literature for beginners...?

I'm looking to get some Spanish/Hispanic literature (preferably works originally in Spanish) to improve my skill with the language. Something like middle/high school level. Pretty much simple, straightforward language would be ideal. Any recommendations?


Actually, half of that question isn't true. I'm a native Spanish speaker, I'm trying to find books for a friend. Unfortunately all I can think of (Borges, Vargas Llosa, Cortazar, Garcia Marquez) are too complicated for her.


Favorite Answer

Try Isabel Allende or Carlos Ruiz Zafón, I also love Gabriel García Márquez but that is hard even for me.

Si todos los que dices yo tampoco los entiendo muy bien, los de la serie juvenil de Isabel Allende me gustaron cuando iba en la secundaria (los del Águila y el Jaguar) y creo que no son tan difíciles de entender y Zafón tampoco es tan difícil sobre todo los primeros que son de terror, mmm no se me ocurre otro, Paulo Coelho pero el es brasileño y además últimamente a nadie le gusta.