Is Obama a Keynesian?


I was checking to see how many people knew what I meant.
We are smarter than we used to be:;_ylt=Amsre7xZeaR8AnOrMRiuT9Xty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20101102154823AAbIRrK


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Essentially yes, which is why his economic ideas have failed on a massive scale. Keynesian ideas were dead and buried before O brought them back.


Read the book Meltdown it's about year and a half old. Great read if you like economic. It was written by one that seemed to be from that school, and way he painted Obama believe he is not a follower of that type of economics. Not sure were my copy went or would give complete title and author. The sweet heart deals to companies and financial institutions he not only continued from Bush but added to gave me that impression. Did not read the book to find out school of economics followed by Bush and Obama so just giving my general impression.


If he is, he did not learn anything though.
Keynes showed the flow of money though the economy. The problem is that as money was pumped in without consideration on how long it would stay in the economy before it was spent on Chinese Made Products.


Yes, he believes in Keynesian economics, as do most politicians on both sides of the isle.


Keynesian economics. Doesn't that require governments to accrue money during good times so they could spend it during a recession.

With the Democrats it is more like out of control spending in good times and bad.

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