Sorry, a bit long & detailed.. Ladies, Any experience or advice for vaginal, light orange discharge?

Ok, so my fiance and I have alot of unprotected sex, trying to conceive in a way (;
Well this past weekend we went at it Friday all throughout Monday night. Around Monday night, after being intimate for like the 3rd time that day lol, I went to the bathroom & when I wiped, it appeared to be a very faint pinkish discharge. NO foul odor, itching or painful urination just the discharge. Then the next day I woke up with a rather dull pain in what seemed to be my cervix. Then after getting out of bed I went to the bathroom and this time the discharge was a faint orangish red, once again NO foul odor, itchiness or painful urination. That day I had that random dull pain about half of that day and then disappeared. It felt more like a sore, achy feeling in the cervix. Then around the middle of that day I went to the restroom and had brownish spotting, so I thought right away it was my period & applied a tampon. But the strange thing is that when I first get my period, it's always very heavy (ever since my PPROM pregnancy about 7 months ago) and this time when i removed my tampon about 4 hours later, it only had about 4 spots of brown blood. I applied another tampon after that then about two hours later it only had a spot and the third time I applied a tampon, about 2 hrs later I checked it and there was nothing on it.

Could it be that I'm pregnant and this discharge and spotting is all signs of the egg implanting itself on me or could it be a sign of a vaginal infection or reaction of my body due to too much intimacy?

Hope I made myself clear enough, any kind help is welcome :)


Favorite Answer

Definitely could be symptom of implantation! If you are not having any itches or odors I don't think you have an infection! I hope this is your month! Take a test in about 4 days. Goodluck!


If there is pink vaginal discharge for an intense time, it ought to probable be vaginosis or vaginitis. in assessment to reddish flow rather with clot-like tissues, brown or white to pinkish leukorrhea is commonly used for the period of being pregnant. this type of substance coming from the vagina is likewise trouble-free during the 1st point of hard work. lady infants can even have pinkish streaks during the 1st weeks of existence. If there is pink vaginal discharge for an intense time, it ought to probable be vaginosis or vaginitis.