What would be the consequences and benefits if everyone became a vegan starting right now?

I've had this thought rummaging through my mind for a while, and maybe the biosphere is too dynamic to project all the variables, but I think it would be interesting to see some other ideas.

1. We would be in competetion with currently domesticated animals for plants to eat.
2. Grasslands for grazing would be converted into crops for human consumption, would we be able to turn over our fields fast enough for consecutive harvests?
3. The cost of produce would go up, with the extreme and sudden increase in demand
4. ???

Frank N2011-02-27T18:51:17Z

Favorite Answer

The first effect would be widespread malnutrition until people learned how to achieve something close to a balanced diet without meat, and perhaps 10,000 to 100,000 years until the human digestive system adapts to extracting all the nutrients it needs from just plant matter.


there would be no benefits and cattle farmers would suffer