Are there any other "Indigo" adults who don't think we're some sort of "otherworldly" entities?

I fit all the typical characteristics of an Indigo adult, i.e born in '75, wide blue eyes, psychic awareness that was much stronger as a child, interest in tarot, creativity, odd working mind (lots of comments on that LOL), bad grades as a child because I never did homework, even the indigo aura. And I can certainly relate to the out of place feeling of not fitting in. However my brothers and I who exhibit these characteristics actually find it highly insulting to be considered in any way "otherworldly". And everything I read turns it into a kind of creepy religion.
So is there anyone else out there who considers themselves an Indigo, but thinks the mystique surrounding the idea is silly?


Favorite Answer

Indigo adult, oh come on, grow up. Your description just reads like a lazy child with little discipline in their life.

I'd love to see some proof that auras exist, let alone psychics.


It just kinda comes with the territory. You shouldn't take offense, the world is delusional to a lot more than 'who the indigo children are'. The lack of a consistent basis of information or a method of inquiry makes it hard for anyone remotely skeptical to open their mind to the possibilities. Fortunately for you, you don't have to be understood in order to live out your purpose, the same as any of us. Just state your truth and be about your way, it's really the only thing within your ability to do. We all endure the worth-while ridicule of believing/knowing something different, and when the rest of the world catches up, we'll be understood as pioneers. However, none of that's as important as bringing about the awareness itself. It's the nature of this planet.. a new truth is always met with violent hostility until it is proven and people come around. When we finally see the true potential this race has to offer as consciously mature beings it will have been well worth the effort.


I am an Indigo adult and I do not consider myself otherworldly, we are just gifted in special ways. In my opinion I do not think I am mysterious although others seem to and that is because they are ignorant and tend to rely on fear to come to their assessment. I am just another Soul Carrier like everyone else, with special abilities that put me in the position of functioning differently from others.


yet another oldie goldie!!!!! yet then i'm fifty two and function examine a ton of jokes.... The humorous component is... i will't often submit to in techniques any of them! shop at it snow toddler! After a brutal day like right this moment, i prefer your humor! you're a reliable guy charlie Brown!

Anonnie Mouse2011-02-28T09:53:16Z

I pretty much think the whole thing is creepy and stupid and a way for the new entitlement to feel entitled and special snowflake-ish.

So, yes?