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If you pretend to be someone you're not for long enough, do you become that "other" person?

This is an offhand question I decided to ask, because I've just received my (replacement) copy of Kurosawa's "Kagemusha" in the mail and have often wondered at the way the impersonator picks up so well on how to "become" the Lord Takeda Shingen, while still not being him. The humans are fooled, but the animals are not--can one truly shed a persona and become another and find fulfillment and personal purpose this way? I would be interested to hear personal views or experiences of anyone who has tried so hard to be someone else that he or she has caught an "essence" of this "other" or found the other within oneself. Thanks for your responses!


I put this question in R&S because I am looking for a philosophical/spiritual viewpoint on the phenomenon, i.e., the experience of the ego or self when it finds that being what others believe is "someone else," one can find the core truth or "spirit" of the one impersonated and bridge the distance between the two personae, thus creating a perfect empathy. A step on the path to oneness, perhaps. By the end of Kagemusha, is the impersonator still himself? Or is he like the ghost of Shingen walking the battlefields, a shadow without absolute ego-permanence?

Update 2:

Sorry to blather, but I just realized another great example of this phenomenon from a book I read long ago. It was called Double Star and was an early Heinlein novel about an actor who plays the part of a politician who dies and thus leaves the actor stranded in his persona. He then lives out the rest of his life as this politician. It was as if he took the image of this "other" and made it his own, drawing from the power of his new position and, in a sense, achieving a synthesis.

20 Answers

  • Sunman
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, and this technique has been understood and used in a variety of ways.

    I used it for years without really knowing that I was doing so. I played drums in a Rush tribute band for many years and I discovered that if I adopted Neil Peart's mannerisms, posture, facial expressions, the way he held his sticks, etc., I could literally 'step into' his perspective and comprehend and duplicate exactly the way he played. For all practical purposes, I became him. Later on I read much of Anthony Robbins' material on the use of neurolinguistic programming to duplicate peak performers and he mentions many of the same techniques I used to 'become' Neil Peart.

    Did I catch his essence?


    Two excerpts from "Summary: Seth’s Nine Inner Senses"

    by Paul Helfrich gives some explanation:

    "The empathic senses are not empathy or compassion, but involve a literal mergence with any object, creature, or person. In the case of a person, it means feeling their emotions, bodily sensations, and feeling tone of personality. A good example is the recent movie “Being John Malkovich,” where people were able to enter a portal inside the actor’s body and mind and share in his experiences for short periods of time. Another example is by science fiction author Robert Heinlein in A Stranger in a Strange Land. The lead character, Michael Valentine Smith, is a human being born on Mars, raised by an advanced Martian culture and returns to Earth where he “groks” things, empathically merging with various living things – grass, animals, or people."

    "cognition of knowledgeable essence (empathic) – a deeper, more abstract form of inner vibrational touch. It does not involve the cognition of a concept. If, for example, we wanted to understand a relative or friend, this inner sense would enable us to literally enter into our friend and share and perceive their essential feelings. These senses do not function until they can be handled correctly. This sense in no way involves invasion. It does not imply that one entity can control another. It merely involves direct, instantaneous cognition of the essence of living tissue."

    Also, Seth's material on 'worldviews' :

    World views – “a living psychological picture of an individual life, with its knowledge and experience, that remains responsive and viable long after physical life is over.” While physical, our world view is an action – the living lens through which we each perceive the world. It’s the psychological filter that contains all of our belief systems and experiences about God, life, the universe, and everything. The deepest aspects of our outer egos and inner egos thus express themselves through our world views. Changing any belief alters our world view and changes the way in which we perceive reality.

    Nonphysically, world views are that aspect of the outer ego that survives physical death that can contact the living, though according to Seth, contact with a nonphysical world view is not the same as a living world view. Jane Roberts autotyped three books that explored world views of two “dead” artists and a philosopher, The World View of Paul Cézanne: A Psychic Interpretation, The World View of Rembrandt, and The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher: The World View of William James.

    And last on my list are those methods used by "secret societies" where rituals involving re-enactment of key religious dramas involving certain religious figures allows one to trigger key religious/spiritual experiences.

    The teachers would then use these experiences to supplement the oral teachings.

    I discovered that Anthony Robbins' material applied to those 'ceremonies' produced incredible results. Unbelievable experiences. It seemed as though I was literally stepping into the perspective (worldview) of the religious hero (or villian). My belief is that it was by combining the different techniques mentioned alongside the use of those inner senses mentoned that allowed those experiences.

    Sorry to blather :) I got side-tracked, but it's all good.

  • 1 decade ago

    This other person can inhabit your same body because that is what we do when we create personas around our spirit. We start to believe that we are the straight A student, who is popular, cute and has loads of friends, or the pimply, nerd, who walks the halls looking at the floor. We become these people fully, and they are not us at all, only impostors. We are pure divine love, god and goddess, manifested in human form.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you can, to a point. In high school, you could say a had a penchant for lying; I was a crazy obsessive attention getter! I would lie about anything, mostly stuff that I'd 'done' with guys. Eventually, I started acting like the depressed whore I said I was, even though I'd never done any of that stuff! Luckily, I found Jesus, and got pulled out of all that muck; but still, our minds are crazy powerful. People are very weak, mentally, and we'll conform to whatever messages we send ourselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think it has much to do with catching the essence of someone, though, maybe that could be one way of putting it.

    All the new things you would do daily, other things, they would soon get into your subconsciousness and you'd do them automatically instead of the old way.

    You would be that someone else without even knowing it, so yeah, I think you would become that someone else.

    Then getting back to your old self would take almost the same effort.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think if you try to be something you're not, you lose sight of who you are. It's hard to get it back. For so many years, I tried to be whoever I thought people wanted me to be. I was a different person with whoever I was with, for I so wanted love and approval, I thought I had to agree with everyone all the time.

    It's a miserable way to live.

    What an interesting question!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


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    It's surely the leader game of its type.

  • 1 decade ago

    you do become that person because your living that persons life. i will tell you that cause i do that. i am the exact opposite of what i REALLY am, and no one would suspect, everyone believes the lies, and telling the truth is like eating a rock, it hard and impossible

    not only that but the people dont believe the real you.

  • 5 years ago

    It is challenging to even imagine that a book can help individuals to change their destinies but } thousands of mens and females, individuals that they have actually benefitted in a huge

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    'A incise, curious question. And these are fine answers, which many echo each the other in great measure, given in a way that each person intuitively sees and feels and yes, knows, and are expressed in each his or her own unique way to convey of truth.

    Engrams -- which is what this addresses -- are true things, and there are sounds and lights and energies, which have either to flip on or off like that of a switch, and centered in a core so deep, so powerful and alive though often not till now quite ever considered or conceived of as existing, and which have only to be exposed by those whose keys and frequencies share these same or extreme opposite signatures that before lay dormant.

    And each person -- strike that -- each Soul is appraised and pre-set of engrams both during processions of and before the worlds' movements in creation and sustenance -- well above duality and that of the law of the three: creation, sustenance, and reforming.

    What we are is not solely dependent upon the dictates of genes as biologists let on, though genes are the channels through which engrams very often proceed and manifest, that is, are the seat and presence where they dwell, and of how comes the on and off modes, say. The mind is the other conduit as is the Heart Consciousness.

    Now, Engrams, like anything in these here worlds, have light and dark sides. That is, a flipping off of one could be beneficial; and another, flipping on, can have not beneficial outcomes or expressions at all. Two, engrams are tied to karmic patterns, and with that of genetics underpinnings, these three work in tandem with the Mind and Heart Consciousness.

    The computer programming model would be the closest analogy for what engrams are and do, on a much lower term, of course, for nothing can approximate sentience. And so the metaphor given here pales in comparison, but for now, that will be the closest picture and description to draw out to make the point here.

    This goes well beyond anything that can be found in the Schools of Psychology, in fact beyond any the Schools of Science, for even if they should know of it, they will not truly know what this is and from where and for what reason or even that such exist as to being true-to-life things, nor what realm in which these things engrams are designed, set, and, say, installed. They do well most often set in the mind, for that is the place at which all things in the physical' have bases and grounding, but the mind is not the point of their creation and purpose -- not their birthplace or mission -- the Mind is but the instrument in no less way than one would use a horn to emanate intelligent and communicable sound, which in itself does activate engrams. Hence, bear close attention to music always.

    This is a vast subject in itself and rare it is that one will be to find much of what these things engrams are but to simply use a term or wording that human beings can look to, to grasp what lies still again beyond the physically evident, and only known is it and understood within the small circle who know well of these and the, say, strange and curious art and science of what is involved and their uses. So, for purpose of communicating just what they are, allow that they be known as engrams.

    Countless engrams are yet to be "turned on" in human beings, for out of these shall follow talents that have yet to be known in the world plane; from their awakenings will come great inventions and hitherto unknown fields: but much will center on light and sound. The DNAs have yet to even barely begin expressing to their full potentials. As certain engrams are cleared, so will DNAs not now expressing begin to express.

    Human beings are beings with rarified and staggering abilities and powers, is all that will be said here. So what one hears in music, what on sees as to "role models," how one is raised, his familial patterns and the like have all to do with engrams... I will leave off here.


    By the way, Sunman, glad to know there is a fellow drummer out there -- 'any fellow saxophone players out there, too?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To a degree because of the laws of attraction. You draw those energies to you by emulating them, or desiring them.

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