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Lv 611,202 points

Black Dog

Favorite Answers14%

Big Black Dog...

  • How do I set up a Black and Decker steamer to cook dumplings?

    I have a used steamer that didn't come with instructions, and it is sort of confusing to look at. It has three baskets, one with a central hole that fits over the heating unit and has a mesh filter on it. It also has a large plastic vented bowl and then a small rice bowl that doesn't seem to fit anywhere. It is much smaller than the other layers. Then there is a top that has 4 vent holes and only fits over the large plastic vented bowl (vegetable steamer?). I don't want to burn up the unit, and I would like to cook bean dumplings in it. Since I've never used one of these for anything (even rice), I am at a loss. I know where the water goes (in the bottom where the heating unit is), but I don't know if all of the other units must be attached or not, nor do I know where to place the dumplings to cook them. Any suggestions? I can't find any instructions at all beyond very general ones. Thanks!

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • My old digital camera broke and I need a new one. Suggestions and recommendations?

    I have a Kodak Easyshare DX4330, and it has ceased to take pictures (dark screen--Kodak site tells me it'll take $95 to fix not counting shipping). It was a good utilitarian camera, but I had beefs with it (took lots of out-of-focus pictures and lighting was a problem too). I'd like to get one that will take better close-ups, as well as landscape and wildlife shots, be more consistent with its reaction to lighting and not be so randomly out-of-focus, requiring me to take several pictures just to make sure ONE of them is in focus.

    I'm open to any suggestions in the $100-$250 range. Zoom function is a plus, and I'd prefer one that will recharge, rather than one that requires constant replacement of batteries. Thanks for any suggestions!

    1 AnswerCameras1 decade ago
  • What does "Dai Rei Kai" mean in spiritual context?

    I came across this as a spiritual movement that was championed by the late actor Tetsuro Tamba (most famous in the West for his portrayal of Tiger Tanaka in the James Bond movie "You Only Live Twice"). I can't seem to find anything about it though, and my Japanese is atrocious. I also know there are many meanings to the same syllables. Anyone got a clue as to what it means? Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • I may have broken the top of right foot/middle toes; can't get to Dr. until next week. Interim help?

    My right foot and middle right toes have been aching since I undertook a massive lawnmowing session a week ago. I thought the foot was just strained or some muscles pulled, but the pain gets worse as I try to walk and now it even hurts when I'm not putting weight on it. If it were a strain, it'd feel better by now. I suspect a fracture or break, because it feels much like the character of pain I had when I broke the big toe on my left foot many years ago (I also walked on it for awhile before realizing it was broken.)

    Can anyone suggest something that can get me through the weekend (which includes travel and a convention) so that I don't make it worse before I can have it looked at? I will not have the means to get to a medical facility before my trip. Also, when I broke my left big toe before, they could not do anything and merely gave me a stiff shoe and told me to keep off it. Any suggestions appreciated!

    4 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • If you pretend to be someone you're not for long enough, do you become that "other" person?

    This is an offhand question I decided to ask, because I've just received my (replacement) copy of Kurosawa's "Kagemusha" in the mail and have often wondered at the way the impersonator picks up so well on how to "become" the Lord Takeda Shingen, while still not being him. The humans are fooled, but the animals are not--can one truly shed a persona and become another and find fulfillment and personal purpose this way? I would be interested to hear personal views or experiences of anyone who has tried so hard to be someone else that he or she has caught an "essence" of this "other" or found the other within oneself. Thanks for your responses!

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • The Bewildering World of Blind Swordsman Zatoichi: Where to Begin?

    I am currently undergoing a samurai cinema freakout, but I am missing one essential element. I have never watched a Zatoichi film. I would like to, but there are so MANY! Which ones should I begin with and which ones are your favorites? Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • I recently bought 2 Yukio Mishima books on Ebay in drunken haze. What am I in for?

    Has anyone here read extensively of Mishima's works? Can you tell me what you thought of them? I read his biography years ago but I've never read a single work by him. What is your opinion of his literary merit and themes? The books are The Sound of Waves and Confessions of a Mask.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Just had an MRI that showed no degenerative lower back disk disease and no stenosis...why is pain still so bad

    I have been told since 2000 or so that I have degenerative disk disease in my lower back, and I certainly have had enough chronic pain there to make me believe it. It radiates into my hips and outer thighs at times and tires me out endlessly. It is the reason I stopped active martial arts training. Now they tell me my latest X-rays and MRI was a "negative study," showing no problems with my back. Anyone got a good guess as to what I should ask the doctor to rule out next? Or does anyone think I have an advanced case of hypochondriasis? I have suffered from lower back pain chronically since an auto accident in 1998 that did not break anything but left me on crutches for a month due to a deep bruise on my right upper leg/hip.

    I am maybe 15-20 lbs. overweight, but I work out regularly, swim, weightlift and do yoga. I am 42 but consider myself to be fairly healthy. I'd know if this was a pulled muscle. But pulled muscles don't last for 10 years, do they? Thanks for any suggestions!

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Does this seem excessive for a first consultation with a family doctor?

    I went to a doctor for first visit under BCBS health insurance, and the only blood test I asked for was a hemoglobin a1c test (because my family has history of type II diabetes and I am over 40--not because of any noticed symptoms). In addition to this, many extra tests were ordered: a CBC ($25), CMP (complete metabolic profile-$50), a TSH ($25) and $15 for the venipuncture itself. I am in middle Tennessee and I haven't had much experience with a family GP doctor here before now. But the office visit cost $168 (more than any Dr. I've ever consulted for a first visit). My total charges were over $300. Does this seem excessive? It did to me. Thoughts? I am due to go back soon for a followup after I have an MRI to determine extent of my known degenerative lower back disk disease. Lord knows how much THAT will cost!.

    7 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Canon Pixma MP520 or MP530? Wish to use for photo and office apps.?

    I've checked out cnet reviews for both models, but I have not bought a printer in a long time, and I am not sure whether these models will fit my needs, have convenient and inexpensive cartridge replacement, ability to print on photo paper and office printer paper equally well, etc. etc. Anyone have experience with these models or recommendations for my printing needs (office printing, documents, online postage, high resolution photo printing for cards and brochures, as well as standalone photo quality prints on glossy paper, etc.)?

    (also, I have never had a fax machine on a printer before. it might come in handy since there are no real public fax stations around here, but do I really need this if I have email-mainly communications business-wise?)

    2 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • I just received 5 points because my question had no best answer...but I didn't have any unresolved questions!

    Not that I'm complaining, but I can't figure it out! I see this notice on my profile activity that says my question had no best answer, but I don't believe that I had any questions that could qualify for this. What is more, I can't click to go to the question, so it must have been removed. Anyone else have this happen?

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • I just learned my uncle is in hospital and isn't expected to live long. He is very depressed. Words of hope?

    My father, who is very close to him, is very distraught, and I will probably fly to see him and my uncle. I haven't talked to my uncle in years, but I will be calling and going to see him very soon. I am a social idiot, but I want to be able to cheer him up in a meaningful way. My uncle will not live long, maybe days--his heart is inoperable and very damaged. I want to bring happiness to him before he goes and also help my father deal with it better than he seems to be. Any suggestions would be appreciated, as I'm rather in shock and tongue-tied and I will be calling the hospital in the morning to talk to my uncle and try to alleviate his extreme loneliness and depression. I am not Christian, and I have very different viewpoints on death than most of my family. I would like to get across that it is important to treat it naturally, but my uncle is rather young for the problems he is having and my father is angry because of it. I just want to help them. Thanks in advance!

    9 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • My boxer has lost weight on homemade dog food diet. Need to get her weight up w/out using commercial dog food.

    My boxer is about 4 years old and she tested negative for worms, but she has lost from 49 to 44 lbs. although we feed her a rather large amount of food. The vet said to remove corn from her diet and we have done so. We'd like to get her up to 55 lbs.. I changed the main grains to brown rice and also oats, along with some potatoes. Her pup is flourishing on the same diet and weighs more than her. The vet suggested irritable bowel disease might be at fault. I estimate I feed her about 1800-2200 calories daily now, but after 2 weeks all her ribs are still showing (although she has lots of energy and even a little flab around her flanks). If we can't get weight on her soon, we'll have to take her back to the vet for more tests. Any suggestions? I use mainly lean meats and vary vegetables, always using greens or broccoli or beans/peas for fiber and vitamins. I rotate other types of veggies and use brown rice puffed cereal as a base. Thanks for any suggestions!

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Quick question: Should I do an hour long yoga class tonight if I am half-recovered from a cold?

    This may seem like a frivolous question, but I haven't had a cold in so long and this one knocked me down so much I have not been to the gym all week. I consider myself about half-recovered (have some energy but voice mostly gone, sinus problems and cough intermittently).

    So my questions: 1) Is it rude of me to attend a class in this condition, knowing I may spread it (although I intend to keep away from the others) and 2) would I overtax my system if I do a full yoga workout in this condition? I feel I am capable but I don't want to hinder others' experience, put them at risk or set back my own recovery.

    Any longtime yoga practitioners want to give me insight on this, since this is the first time these problems have occurred for me? I intend to stay out of the locker room and keep my exercise area away from others.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • I have an old sectional wooden bookcase; I find small heaps of round buff-colored pellets on the shelves...?

    ...usually at the back of the shelf inside. I haven't seen any degradation or obvious problems with the wood. I have seen no termites and have the house foundations sprayed yearly. What are these pellets, and how do I keep them from building up on the shelves? They look kind of like seeds or round sawdust, but there is no other sign that it is coming from the wood itself, no fissures or worn spots I can find--just these heaps. Thanks!

    4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • I have two dogs I want to put on run lines until I can get a fence built. One is 50 lbs., one about 60 lbs.?

    Should I make special accommodations, as they are rather strong dogs (one is a puppy, but he's, if anything, at least as strong as his momma). Momma is a boxer and son is a boxer/mutt and is taller than she is. I have a large tree (with two opposite facing large trunk branches) about 40-45 feet from my raised porch and am considering running two lines angled to stanchions on the back and front of the porch (no access to stairs or obstacles). I don't think they can jump up onto the porch, as it is raised about 4 to 4.5 feet and I've never seen them try it in the past, although they can jump off the porch.

    Do I need extra strong run lines and drop lines for safety, or are the standard dog run lines sufficient? The boxer's former owner had trouble keeping her tethered and she is used to taking off after wildlife. I take them out on leashes to walk currently, but I'm worried they're not getting enough exercise, and I can't let them run free. Any advice? First time trying this.

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My Puppy Was Lost And Has Returned! Was it Prayer or Coincidence?

    My pup ran off yesterday and he seemed good and gone, no trace or sign, despite much searching and advertisement. Today, a neighbor casually said, "I have your dog." This evening I learned that every family member who knew of my pup's disappearance had vowed to pray for his safe return. People who got the little makeshift poster I made also said they were praying for his return. This evening he is home. Was it prayer (God intervening), coincidence (random pingpong dog movements), chaos (some hidden mathematical symmetry), karma (for always being kind to dogs), whatever? I am glad to have my pup back, whether it be one or all of these guiding agents. What ideas do you have?

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who Has Tried using Orange Oil Against Fire Ants?

    In the past month or so, I have discovered not huge mounds, but many smaller ones and armies of ants in long lines, throughout my side yard, mostly concentrated near my garden hose against and under my porch but now pervading almost the entire side of the yard. There are MANY lines of them, they are black (not red) and they bite my dogs' paws when they're out there. This side of the house is where I have fed them, because it is the only part that is shaded. Since I'd have to drench the entire area and my dogs often go here, would orange oil solution be safe and effective if I distribute it throughout? And would a formulation with molasses and dishsoap be safe for the grass there? I don't want to destroy the yard any more than the dogs would on their own! Thanks for any suggestions!

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • How Do I Go About Getting Google, Yahoo Etc Maps to Delete a Street That Doesn't Exist?

    Every time I look on these online maps, they show a road that doesn't exist cutting straight through our property. We get quite a few turnarounds here from people who think our dead-end road goes through to another road. I assure them they have reached private property, but it keeps happening and these maps show a public road through our private land. How can I contact them and get them to change this on their maps?

    2 AnswersGoogle1 decade ago
  • What is the origin of the idea that a drowning man rises three times before sinking forever beneath the water?

    I've seen references to this all over the 'net and all of them account it a popular maxim or an old saying, but I cannot seem to find any references to where the idea originated. Anyone got a clue? Thanks!

    11 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago