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What is the origin of the idea that a drowning man rises three times before sinking forever beneath the water?

I've seen references to this all over the 'net and all of them account it a popular maxim or an old saying, but I cannot seem to find any references to where the idea originated. Anyone got a clue? Thanks!

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    old time sailors were very superstitious. Odd numbers are typically more auspicious than even: three was the first after one that was regarded as special: the holy trinity, the triangle. orions belt, thrid time lucky, etc, etc. Probably someone had observed that the drowning tend to rise a couple of time to the surface and the legend spread that it was always three times - complete nonsense of course

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Might be related to baptism. Some of the dunkers do it three times, for the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and even when it's done just once there is still that number 3 involved in the words.

    When You go down for the third time, You are on Your way to heaven? LOL!

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi SW,

    This happened to me as a ten year old kid.

    Jumped into the deep end of a swimming pool in St Helen's.

    Surfaced 3 times before blacking out.

    Luckily a good man named Jerry cottoned on, and saved me. (Mouth to mouth, the works). :-)

    Learnt to swim gradually, over the years.

    Got back from a pool, just a few hours ago, in fact...

    The three times, was in my case due to me touching bottom, but having no supports at hand, to otherwise cling onto.

    Have come to see it's a bit like life. :-)

  • 1 decade ago

    I watch a show once about people drowning at the beach and they said if they don't get to the person before they go down for the 3rd time they know they are drowned

    Love & Blessings


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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sorry I don't know the origin, but I can tell you it IS a fact.

    When I was a teen, I stepped off a big boulder under the water into much deeper water and very nearly lost my life that day. It was only my big brother's quick thinking that saved me.

    Btw...your life DOES flash in front of your eyes, too.

  • 1 decade ago

    It came from ancient salior and fishermen... And it started by accual accounts of watching men trying to to survive drowing or being eaten by sharks... But it is stated that most people drowing runs out of strength after the third try to surface.............. But the same thing does not apply to a strong swimmer...... So who really know the truth.....................

  • 1 decade ago

    its actually one time it rises. this is because the gasses in the body bring the guy back up until they get released into the atmosphere, then the person sinks back down forever.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you have ever seen someone drowned you'd understand better.Some people try harder but,some get scared and they drowned faster.The saying comes from sailor and fishermen of old.

  • Luckily for many near drowning victims...this is just a myth!

  • 1 decade ago

    ok, this is creepy coz when i almost drowed when i was a kid, i did surface 3 times before i couldnt do it anymore & some guy pulled me out.

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