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I cast my spell of love on you; a woman from a child... (

  • is the marijuana experience a psychic experience?

    can it be used to train psychic abilities?

    what about the alcohol experience?

    8 AnswersParanormal Phenomena6 years ago
  • Should the ability to trigger psychic, gnostic, mystic experiences in oneself or an other be regulated by the FDA?

    There's an individual who refers to his ability as a "secret" technology.

    This technology seems "invisible" and cannot be measured, but can be experienced as altered states of awareness and experiences of spontaneous illumination.

    This technology relies on others participation, but not conscious participation, and yet once another is aware of it, they can consciously choose not to participate.

    This technology is capable of accelerating ones cognitive abilities at a rate that might seem alarming to some, and greatly enlightening to others.

    It is not hypnosis, and ones health on many levels is greatly improved by regular experiences.

    Should it be regulated, and could it be regulated?

    Why and how?

    Some feel that any device capable of altering the user’s awareness and perception of reality must be labeled as a drug and controlled by the FDA.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • what will the US government do if the Christ emerges in the US?

    Do you suppose they'll stand by and watch him work wonders, or do you suppose they would target him?

    how come?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • If the outer world is a reflection of the inner world?

    is there an outer reflection/symbol/representation for every potential "thing" of the inner world?

    8 AnswersPhilosophy6 years ago
  • if someone told you that you hold the power to undermine the worlds largest secretest mindfuckers organization?

    and that one day you would single-handedly overthrow them, yet in the process you may become homeless and jobless, ostracized, wounded.

    would you still do it?

    would you become the one if necessary?

    10 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • are there bodies of spiritual knowledge that exist today that have never been fully revealed to eye nor ear?

    that are being kept alive and secret until they can be safely downloaded?

    by safely downloaded, I mean held in mind and being until such could be completely articulated and/or recorded..

    could someone or anyone moving among us today unknown or not contain such knowledge that would be considered radical by today's standards, that if disclosed to those who hold the publics best interests, would free mankind's inner nature and power, especially the individual, yet if undisclosed or to the "wrong" people, would keep mankind under the control of an imaginary tyranny of some who seem to think they are a kind of elite power structure?

    I'm not one to believe in conspiracy theories;

    I was simply watching The Book Of Eli and some of the underlying themes, plots, characters and situations struck some chords.

    maybe it's just good story telling but who knows, eh?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • what do you know of cognizing at the speed of the bumblebees' wings?

    what truly is the Mozart effect?

    only the daring and adventurous need reply

  • what do you know of karma or accumulation of spiritual debt or similar ideas?

    for instance:

    if I violate life when no one is looking, is there always someone watching?

    who monitors my conduct; my ethic, my motives, agendas, and intentions?

    who enforces the spiritual laws of success or failure in life?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • what do you know about studying your own subjective experience?

    for instance:

    is it like a raindrop or an ocean?

    what could I hope to find?

    is it true that I shouldn't get out of the boat unless I'm willing to go all the way?


    8 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • what do you know of clouded vision and psychic intuition?

    for instance:

    what should you do and never do; what must you do and never do in order to keep your attention clear and focused, your intuitions apprehending and penetrating, and your interpretations undistorted?

    5 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • what do you know of the inner nature of man: the ultimate potential self?

    for instance:

    what could constrain that inner nature of a man, and how can it free itself?

    8 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • a question for those who believe in the reality of a nonphysical identity such as the soul, spirit, or essence?

    with what senses does a nonphysical self perceive?

    are these senses available to a physical self?

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • what's the secret of realizing gnosis of a single individual as a spiritual mystery?

    have you ever walked through someones psychological walls and experienced the esoteric knowledge of them?

    or is it impossible to experience someone at that level?

    a confession, an autobiography, and an interview?

    for some of you; you are the individual spiritual mystery you've been trying to know.

    for some of you; there's an Other you've been trying to know.

    have you done it yet?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I have a question about two seemingly different schools of thought with something important in common?

    one teaching says "...and if you believe and have no doubt..."

    " your faith you are made whole..."

    "...with God nothing is impossible..."


    the other teaching says, " create your reality according to the nature of your belief.."

    "...if you do the work you can rest assured of the results..."

    "...there are no limitations to the self.."

    "...change your belief and you change your experience.."

    I'm not interested in arguing about whether any of it is true or not, etc, etc..

    I'm interested in how far someone can take those principles.

    for instance;

    if our beliefs are the programs and we are the programmers;

    what's to prevent you from creating an overall operating system that includes what some would consider impossible?

    following those principles I just mentioned, I should be able to grow a belief in physical immortality and experience it, right?

    why not?

    what if I became a master of belief with no doubt?

    how does one do that?

    I hear many pay lip service to these principles but I see few taking them and blazing trails only heard of in legend.

    why is that?

    what's to prevent someone from using the power of belief to become a jedi warrior angel of light?

    8 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • what is the secret to loving your enemy?

    and with which kind of love shall I love my enemy?

    Agápe (ἀγάπη agápē[1]) means "love" (unconditional love) in modern day Greek, such as in the term s'agapo (Σ'αγαπώ), which means "I love you". In Ancient Greek, it often refers to a general affection or deeper sense of "true love" rather than the attraction suggested by "eros". Agape is used in the biblical passage known as the "love chapter", 1 Corinthians 13, and is described there and throughout the New Testament as sacrificial love. Agape is also used in ancient texts to denote feelings for one's children and the feelings for a spouse, and it was also used to refer to a love feast. It can also be described as the feeling of being content or holding one in high regard. Agape was appropriated by Christians for use to express the unconditional love of God.[citation needed] Before agape love there was no other word to express such great love.[citation needed]

    Éros (ἔρως érōs[2]) is passionate love, with sensual desire and longing. The Modern Greek word "erotas" means "intimate love;" however, eros does not have to be sexual in nature. Eros can be interpreted as a love for someone whom you love more than the philia, love of friendship. It can also apply to dating relationships as well as marriage. Plato refined his own definition: Although eros is initially felt for a person, with contemplation it becomes an appreciation of the beauty within that person, or even becomes appreciation of beauty itself. Plato does not talk of physical attraction as a necessary part of love, hence the use of the word platonic to mean, "without physical attraction." In the Symposium, the most famous ancient work on the subject, Plato has the middle-aged Athenian philosopher, Socrates argue to aristocratic intellectuals and a young male acolyte in sexual pursuit of him, that eros helps the soul recall knowledge of beauty, and contributes to an understanding of spiritual truth, the ideal "Form" of youthful beauty that leads us humans to feel erotic desire -- thus suggesting that even that sensually-based love aspires to the non-corporeal, spiritual plane of existence; that is, finding its truth, just like finding any truth, leads to transcendence. Lovers and philosophers are all inspired to seek truth through the means of eros."

    Philia (φιλία philía[3]) means friendship or affectionate love in modern Greek. It is a dispassionate virtuous love, a concept developed by Aristotle. It includes loyalty to friends, family, and community, and requires virtue, equality and familiarity. In ancient texts, philos denoted a general type of love, used for love between family, between friends, a desire or enjoyment of an activity, as well as between lovers.

    Storge (στοργή storgē[4]) means "affection" in ancient and modern Greek. It is natural affection, like that felt by parents for offspring. Rarely used in ancient works, and then almost exclusively as a descriptor of relationships within the family. It is also known to express mere acceptance or putting up with situations, as in "loving" the tyrant.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago