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Lv 6
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 9 years ago

I have a question about two seemingly different schools of thought with something important in common?

one teaching says "...and if you believe and have no doubt..."

" your faith you are made whole..."

"...with God nothing is impossible..."


the other teaching says, " create your reality according to the nature of your belief.."

"...if you do the work you can rest assured of the results..."

"...there are no limitations to the self.."

"...change your belief and you change your experience.."

I'm not interested in arguing about whether any of it is true or not, etc, etc..

I'm interested in how far someone can take those principles.

for instance;

if our beliefs are the programs and we are the programmers;

what's to prevent you from creating an overall operating system that includes what some would consider impossible?

following those principles I just mentioned, I should be able to grow a belief in physical immortality and experience it, right?

why not?

what if I became a master of belief with no doubt?

how does one do that?

I hear many pay lip service to these principles but I see few taking them and blazing trails only heard of in legend.

why is that?

what's to prevent someone from using the power of belief to become a jedi warrior angel of light?


who is #1: what about metaphysics? my operating system says there's a greater nature that governs the laws of physics, so there must be a greater magic to change the laws of physics.


Postulate of Invariance

Axiom of Least Contradiction

Verity of Exclusion

Metamagic is the art of manipulating the laws that govern magic itself, that is, the seven rules listed above under the other schools. It is the principle focus of Secret of the Sixth Magic, wherein it is discovered/formulated (which may explain why no associated aphorisms are given, due to its newness). Wielding Metamagic involves suspending the current rules, replacing them with new rules, and reinstating the rules—the greater the skill of the Metamagician, the greater the difference between the old rule and the new one may be.

The Postulate of Invariance states that there can only be seven rules governing magic; the Axiom of Least Contradiction states that the seven rules that are in effect are those that best

Update 2:

match the (non-magical) effects occurring during periods when the rules are suspended; the Verity of Exclusion states that those who are capable of wielding Metamagic are inherently incapable of wielding any other magic and vice versa.

the above is an illustration of a different kind of operating system and the so-called rules are root assumptions or core beliefs.

so, why can't I take the above rules of metamagic and suspend disbelief and grow a new belief around, say, immortality?

why can't I use the logic that we are genetically related to all of creaturehood and there's a particluar jelly fish that is immortal so it must be a latent characteristic within me, and create a belief and experience of immortality throiugh rejuvenation?

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "You cannot change the laws of physics"


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    If you believe you can play the piano, knowing all things are possible with God. That is good. And if you repent, change your ways, and begin applying yourself to learning the piano you may accomplish your goal.

    Do the work, be assured of the results, there are no limitations to the self etc....

    Now, if your fingers happen to be paralysed from lack of use, you must be willing to put in some extra time, effort and can still become a brilliant keyboardist.

    And so it is with immortality. It may be difficult to find a good trainer in the field of immortals becoming.....but it is not impossible.

    You have the DNA, you have the will, you believe without how to light up that DNA strand....hahaha that's the challenge.

    But ya, it's all possible, and more.

    Cheers ole man!!

    Love you,

    Vitchy :)

  • 9 years ago

    I explain this in further detail in my book (The Guru Delivery- should be available within a couple of weeks) but the gist of it is that you can do anything that is required for that which is line with your true nature. Generally these things align themselves in much more simplistic fashion. If my desire is to fly around the world, wouldn't the most likely way be that somehow things line up so that I get a ticket for an airline flight? If I were to simply jump into the air and fly, wouldn't it more than likely detract from my overall experience? Maybe the government would cage and study me all my life, or dissect my brain or something. Maybe I would have followers from all over the world constantly asking me questions. Maybe everyone would view me as a freak. Stop to think for a moment that you could have anything you want. Do you really want super powers or would they merely be a means to satisfy another desire?

    You can fulfill all of your desires but the means to your end is determined by that which is beyond your own logic. Faith, either in a power greater than yourself or your own subconscious is required of the process or you will trip yourself up with your own logic.

    My favorite schools of thought on this matter is whether you should try to shift your thinking incrementally so that it doesn't go beyond your belief system or expand your consciousness to accommodate your desires. I personally teach the latter.

    I wish you luck with your quandary.

    Living life loving.

  • 9 years ago

    You can do it and you can have it. But what is that 'it' ? I mean deep down, what is it that you really want? Like on a scale of one to ten? I start my answer with this question because I believe that it is important in order to know what is the question behind your question. For example you could be asking your question because you want to be a wise teacher. That could be the number one on the list, attaining wisdom. And what would attaining wisdom really mean to you? Suddenly the number one on the list would clearly not be the number one any more. Again as an example only you might want respect, the respect that a wise teacher would garner from others or maybe only from one particular other, like a parent or a lover or whomever. And so it goes on, getting less and less intellectual and more and more emotional. Discovery of oneself does take time and effort. It may or may not be important. This leads us to the question about consciousness or awareness. My guess is that right attitude, an attitude which leads me to the most joy possible trumps everything else.

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  • jayo
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    My opinion it particularly is it relies upon allot on the guy, I even have 3 young ones, my first i replaced into 20 and that i replaced into 40-one wks while my waters have been broken quickly after i began out to whinge wanting soreness alleviation.. I had some issues then an epidural.. worst labour would have slept while she replaced right into a million/2 way out, be relax certain if a expert is needed ie. issues there will be green coats all around before you could say boo. (that surpassed off together with her) The epidural replaced into poor and that i replaced into in lots soreness afterwards. My 2d toddler (all have been in diverse hospitals) he replaced into much less difficult and swifter, i think the soreness alleviation replaced into the reason my first replaced into so long (14hrs), I in straight forward terms had one sook of gasinair with my 2d which made me ill he arrived in straight forward terms 4 hrs later, My third who's 2 now replaced right into a walk interior the park,, the midwife replaced into gobsmacked i did no longer want soreness alleviation and identity tell her i replaced into having a contraction she could disagree, I advised her i had to push she disagreed, I advised her the toddler is gonna ***, she gave me a inner she reported you would be some hours yet, i at that element held my companions hand the midwife took of her gloves and that i raised my voice and started to sit down down upright !no its cumming seem" she very nearly fainted i replaced into superb n my third fairly much hit the backside of the mattress. i did no longer even end for his shoulder's. I gasped n lay don and reported to her "see I advised you" yet each start the employees have been large.

  • 9 years ago

    2nd school - 'why can't I imagine lobster hands into reality?" - Ans: Either you can and you don't understand how to manipulate reality, or you can't and that's a problem.

    What was the purpose of telling us about the 1st school if Nominal Skepticism is all you wanted to talk about?

  • 9 years ago

    Both are focused on miracles. I go by those same principles, but not zealously. I must go extremely cautiously in places that preach great things about miracles and true reality. They teach reality correctly, that we do in fact change it; we need to hear that. However, in all their zeal, they fail to mention this: the miracles are magnificent flowers along the road to God.

    Knowing God is the focus. The miracles can distract you to the point of losing your salvation. "You must focus on God only. Satan has been preparing your minds for millennia to focus on the quality of your life, the quality of your health, money in the bank, etc. This is another one of Satan's tricks. He wants you to focus on everything that isn't God. The miracles will be like gutter runoff from the magnificent cosmic power flowing through you just from knowing God."

    Mt 7:22 - 23

    22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

    23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

    Jesus in this passage is aiming this statement to those who focus on the miracles instead of God only. They sew iniquity among people by telling them about how to enter Heaven to get out the miraculous power to heal people, but they never take the time to know God. This is why God claims not to know them at all.

    So, go to the lectures to understand what reality is, but then, in your own meditations, get to know God and on't pay mind to the miracles until you know God. And no book can say who God is, as you already know, God is the reality beyond vibrational universe and there isn't enough time in the universe to know Him; but it's good to know all you can directly from the source.

    Source(s): There are many churches that teach miracles. Those are a source. The Gospel is a source. The book "Autobiography of a Yogi" is a source.
  • 9 years ago

    one thing for sure is that it's very important to pick right belief, which then guides u to your salvation (nirvana, moksh)

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