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I am the author of The Guru Delivery. My philosophy of life is based on the fact that our thoughts create our realities. The origination of our thoughts is based on observation and sometimes what we have observed is very out of line with that which we would choose. However, by directing our thoughts toward a desired reality we can create that reality. The more we focus our thoughts toward a reality we desire, the easier it becomes to create a reality that brings us joy. The more we create a reality that brings us joy, the more we are aligned we become with our true nature. The more aligned we become with our true nature, the more aligned we become with the divine. The two main hindrances that prevent us from intentionally creating our realities are judgement and resentment. If we judge others as unworthy, we judge ourselves unworthy. If our thoughts are focused behind us, we cannot move forward. Please forgive me if I offend, it is not my intent. My intent is to help. :)

  • I had a dream involving a train that went underwater. What does it mean?

    I was above ground on top of a concreted area and old freight train cars were being directed underneath the concrete (which happened to be filled with water) because they were no longer usable and were going to be stored there. Anyone know what this could mean?

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    What are the steps to rough in plumbing in basement after the concrete is busted up?.?

    I'm trying to do the rough in plumbing in my basement and I've never done rough in plumbing before. I watched a couple of videos and busted up the concrete to route the pipes but I don't really know anything about grading and so forth. The pipe I'm running it to seems to be 3 1/2". Is that considered 4"? How much room do I need around the pipe to get into it? How far would I even cut so that I could fit a fitting on it? I mean it's not like I can move it around once I cut it.

    As you can see I'm in over my head but I've never built walls before and now I've framed a 1,600 foot basement. I've never built soffits before but they look great. I do have some electrical experience so I've wired the whole basement and I have done some underground work with that so I've glued pvc for underground applications. Can anyone please help?


    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • What do you think about the description of my book?

    I wrote the description of my book, The Guru Delivery, and even though it's already finalized on the cover, I think I might change the description on Amazon. I got some feedback about the wording leading people to the wrong conclusion so I rewrote it and would again like some feedback. Here it is:

    Khris, a long-haul trucker, had searched for something more from life down almost as many roads as he had driven down. Although he found contentment on his spiritual journey, he was beginning to believe that contentment was the best he could hope for. But life, much like the road, has its twists and turns and when he agrees to let a strange would-be monk ride along, he discovers that amazing things can come from unexpected places. Come along for the ride and not only get a firsthand look at what life on the road is like for a modern day trucker but learn how this peculiar passenger helps Khris get beyond his own road blocks.

    I know this isn't exactly a philosophical question but I'm trying to get a philosopher's perspective.

    Your thoughts?


    4 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • What do you think about the description of my book?

    I wrote the description of my book, The Guru Delivery, and even though it's already finalized on the cover, I think I might change the description on Amazon. I got some feedback about the wording leading people to the wrong conclusion so I rewrote it and would again like some feedback. Here it is:

    Khris, a long-haul trucker, had searched for something more from life down almost as many roads as he had driven down. Although he found contentment on his spiritual journey, he was beginning to believe that contentment was the best he could hope for. But life, much like the road, has its twists and turns and when he agrees to let a strange would-be monk ride along, he discovers that amazing things can come from unexpected places. Come along for the ride and not only get a firsthand look at what life on the road is like for a modern day trucker but learn how this peculiar passenger helps Khris get beyond his own road blocks.

    Your thoughts?


    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Does my description make you want to read my book?

    My book is The Guru Delivery and this is the description:

    Khris, a long-haul trucker, had searched for enlightenment down almost as many roads as he had driven down. Although he found contentment on his spiritual journey, he was beginning to believe that contentment was the best he could hope for. But life, much like the road, has its twists and turns and when he agrees to let a strange man wearing tennis shoes and pajamas ride along, he discovers that amazing things can come from unexpected places. Join them as they share the adventure of not only life on the road, but life itself.

    Does it compel you to want to read it?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Does my description make you want to read my book?

    My book is The Guru Delivery and this is the description:

    Khris, a long-haul trucker, had searched for enlightenment down almost as many roads as he had driven down. Although he found contentment on his spiritual journey, he was beginning to believe that contentment was the best he could hope for. But life, much like the road, has its twists and turns and when he agrees to let a strange man wearing tennis shoes and pajamas ride along, he discovers that amazing things can come from unexpected places. Join them as they share the adventure of not only life on the road, but life itself.

    Does it compel you to want to read it?

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • What do dreams about frogs mean?

    In my dream I was holding something shaped like a trash can lid by the edge and there were a few frogs on it. There were about three different kinds of frogs and they all kept to one area of this "lid" on the inside. I turned the inside of the lid away from me to shake them off and each time I did I would see some fall off but when I would examine the inside of this lid instead of seeing less there were more.

    Anyone know what this might mean?

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • What do you think about the description of my book?

    Wording ok? Is it descriptive enough? Does it make you want to read it?

    Matt had been searching for enlightenment down so many paths, he finally resolved that the contentment he’d achieved thus far was as good as it gets. Life as a long haul trucker gets lonely though and when he relents to letting a strange would-be monk ride with him, a longing for more is once again renewed.

    Something about the uniquely practical approach of his new friend intrigued Matt, so he commits, partially for companionship, to follow his teachings. Releasing expectations of having some sort of mystical experience, he then begins to see the perfection in every moment. As he places his complete trust in the universe, as well as his newly found guru, he is able to grow far beyond a reactionary way of thinking to one of a visionary. This higher perspective allows him to see how he can create a reality beyond limitation.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • If a Buddhist monk walked into a pizza place...? you think he would ask them to make him one with everything? ;)

    8 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • Why do unhappy people seem to resent happy people rather than emulate them?

    It seems that the more unhappy a person is, the more they seem to dislike happy people. Why would they not simply emulate what happy people do so they too could be happy? It's not just that. I have a friend who's miserable in life and he won't take anyone's suggestion. No matter what he does he fails miserably. He lost a job as a dishwasher once because he was late too many times. Before he lost his job I suggested he take an earlier bus and he replied that he did take an earlier bus but it kept running late. I suggested an earlier, earlier bus but he acted like I was crazy. Why do some people have such a hard time recognizing that what they're doing isn't working and they should try a game plan that's proven successful. We can even see this on a grand scale with China. Instead of emulating America's success, they tried to outdo us by using cheap labor and did accumulate much wealth from us. Unfortunately, since they did not allow democracy and capitalism, when we went down so did they. Imagine if they just emulated our system. Not only would their country not have been as effected economically as America, but because of their population, they would be way ahead of us now. I know why they did it because the people in power wanted to stay in power, but why do individuals do it?

    9 AnswersPhilosophy10 years ago
  • Ever since I downloaded the new Yahoo IM I have lines across the YA. What's up?

    They look like little flags and run across the answers.

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers10 years ago
  • Why does it cost so much to learn transcendental meditation?

    Is the whole thing a scam? I think I'd be willing to pay the rather large fee if I knew more about it but they keep it so secretive it's a major leap of faith just to try. Can anyone shed some light on this for me?

    Live life loving.

    5 AnswersPhilosophy10 years ago
  • Manifestation Byproduct?

    The only thing I have done differently lately is that for about the past three months I’ve been using the law of attraction to manifest my life in the fashion that I desire. Many wonderful things have happened but one strange thing. Lately I'm experiencing a rush of energy when people try to do me a bad turn or are at odds with me. I’m very confused though because it feels so intense and empowering. I actually feel good when this happens, almost like I get a rush from it. I have no animosity toward the people in conflict with me at all, in fact, almost the opposite. This is so unusual for me. I used to take on and own any negative energy from people deserved or not and it would affect me quite negatively. Now I seem to still take in the energy, but it has the opposite effect. Anyone know what this is all about?

    Thanks for your input.

    Live life loving.

    5 AnswersOther - Social Science10 years ago
  • Can your next life be in the past?

    From what I understand time doesn't exist in the afterlife. Given this, it seems quite possible for one to choose a next life in an earlier time period. What's the flaw in this logic?

    6 AnswersPhilosophy10 years ago
  • Opinions on a start? I need a bit of inspiration, pointers and direction. TIA?

    I met the man at a truck stop. I was instantly interested in him because he was wearing the garb of a Buddhist monk. Of course I was equally as skeptical since he was obviously American. None the less, I figured he was interested in seeking things of a higher nature and that was right up my alley. He said,

    “I can get you where you wanna go”.

    “Huh?”, I questioned. I figured he wanted something from me since he was approaching me so I was a bit taken aback.

    He said again, “I can get you where you wanna go.”

    I replied, “no thanks I'm driving”.

    “I didn't say I would drive you there” he stated, “I said I would get you to where you want to go”. I was puzzled but he didn’t say it as if he wanted something from me. In fact he was picking up trash around the fuel pumps and throwing it away. If he was wearing a uniform you would have thought he worked there.

    “And how do you know where I need to go?” I asked. I never liked it when somebody thought they knew more than I did about something and this guy obviously did. I mean how would he know more about what I'm doing than I do? He didn’t answer so I figured maybe he was a little off and continued cleaning the windshield of my truck.

    “So?” he questioned.

    "So what?" I asked, slightly peeved that this guy wasn't going away.

    “I said I can get you where you wanna go” he repeated.

    “Yeah, I heard you quite clearly” I stated.

    “So, are you willing to let me get you where you need to go?” This time the question was a bit different.

    “No, now if you leave me be, I will be on my way” I replied.

    “Come on, you know you're curious”. I was curious, but a little more perturbed than curious. Somehow I had to get rid of this guy. At this point I figured maybe if I just give him some money he’d leave and I was willing to give him five bucks just to be rid of him. As I pulled out a five from my wallet and started to hand it to him, he just chuckled and said, “my, we have much to learn don't we? You're going to have to clear your passenger seat if I'm going to ride with you”.

    “You're not gonna ride with me” I let him know in no uncertain terms.

    “I know you're a bit skeptical but this is the way it works” he explained.

    “The way what works?” I asked.

    “The way the universe works” he said matter-of-factly. “You already know this or you would have dismissed me already”.

    “I thought I did, or at least tried” I said. He laughed. He had a way about him that caused me to laugh as well. I didn’t sense any selfish intent about him and my defenses were down a bit. I can be a bit naïve, and that doesn’t fair well for a guy who finds himself in unfamiliar territory more often than not. For the most part I try not to engage in conversation with strangers which is completely against my nature but it serves me well. He refused money though, which was a first for me. I still had no intention of letting him ride with me anywhere. I finished pumping the fuel into my truck and noticed that he still didn’t seem that interested in whether I would give him a ride or not. I took a minute to size him up and came to the conclusion that I could probably take him in a fight and there was no way he could have been hiding a gun under that outfit. Still, giving him a ride had other disadvantages as well. What if he was crazy and I had to ditch him? What if he was a jerk? I mean he already bugged me a little with that knowing where I need to go crap. Oh man, I’m already caving, I thought. It gets lonely on the road and having someone interesting to talk to sounded appealing. Maybe if I can get him to reveal more about himself with a little more conversation. “That’s how the universe works, huh?”, I asked.

    “Yes, there are no mistakes on the universes part only our interpretation” he said.

    “I’m still trying to interpret you” I said.

    “I know” he said with a warm smile. I was drawn to the guy. His speaking and mannerisms melted my defenses.

    “You don’t even know which way I’m going” I said.

    “I can get you to where you need to be” he said again. “Where we go while you’re getting there is irrelevant”.

    "So you just walk around aimlessly in life, with no place to go?" I asked.

    "No, I have a place to go, I just don't know where it is yet" he said. He wasn't helping his case any in my mind, but I was still willing to give this a shot.

    " Alright I guess you can ride with me for a while" I relented.

    "Great, I'll clear the seat" he volunteered.

    " What makes you think I'll let you ride up front?" I questioned.

    "Seat belts" he said.

    "Seat belts?" I said.

    "Yeah, I have to wear my seat belt" he stated matter-of-factly. "Don't you wear your seat belt?"

    "Yeah, but I'm not begging for a ride" I stated.

    " Make no mistake I'm not begging for anything" smiling as he replied, "you are lucky to have me".

    "Lucky me&q

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • What do you think about this poem?

    My Sunshine

    Like a flower without water

    Gandhi without food

    Somehow I am less alive

    When I am without you

    You’re the source of all my energy

    The thought behind my smile

    The feeling I never thought I’d have

    And have been for a while

    If you ever took your love away

    I don’t know what I’d do

    I don’t want to live without you

    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Help with dream interpretation?

    I was with a woman, not sure who, and we walked passed a restaurant with outdoor seating. There was someone really famous there and it seemed like he was being shot, but I realized that it was just those fake blood charges they use in the movies. Some girl he was with then showed up ostensibly to whisk him away to the hospital, but I was the only one that had a close enough perspective to see that it was faked and he was just trying to get out of paying his bill. They drove off and then somehow I got interested in hot air balloon rides. Now somehow I ended up on this pole that was so high up it overlooked a city. This pole was some sort of perch for hot air balloons. I was petrified! I wanted to slide down it but I was too scared and I mentioned this to the woman I was with. I asked her how she planned on getting down (though I don't remember her being on the same pole as I). She said she would just have her dog bring the car around. I replied, "how?" (because we're way up in the air right). She points to an overpass that's within 40 feet or so from us. At this point I'm in a bucket on top of the pole (you know, like those lift buckets tree trimmers use- with three sides). I'm so terrified that I'm sitting in the bucket and she starts turning the bucket. I'm thinking that there's no way that this bucket where it connects to the pole is going to withstand turning around and around, given it's lack of use, and I'm screaming for her to stop (at this point she is my wife and I'm calling her by name, but she looks nothing like my wife in real life). I'm almost to the point of crying. She wouldn't listen to me for a while but eventually she stopped. I think that's where the dream ended. I dream in color. The pole was white, as was the bucket. There were no unusual colors that I could remember.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Do people that ask if you are happy, do so because they themselves are unhappy?

    Some of the people that I haven't seen in a long time have asked me if I'm happy. This is a question that wouldn't even occur for me to ask someone. Sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm sad, sometimes I'm angry, sometimes I'm indifferent, etc. Would I trade my life for anyone else's? No. Are the days that I'm content greater in number than not? Yes. My answer to their question of am I happy is of course yes, but wouldn't it be yes even if I was sad most of the time? I don't think I would share my not being happy if I was unhappy. So my question is this, are the people that go around asking others if they are happy, really unhappy people?

    3 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Are you allowed to pray after you die?

    Or do you just have a direct conversation? Maybe you pray to the living? God's certainly not a tangible entity so would you converse with angels, spirit guides? Would it be telepathically? Or would it be unnecessary because all things would be known? I want to know your thoughts on these issues. I don't believe there are any right or wrong answers, so have fun. I'll probably let it go to voting because I don't really want to judge the answers.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago