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Lv 6

what's the difference between a spiritual, psychic, or religious experience?

14 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Spiritual is a higher connection to your soul/ self , the universe, nature, others. I think it usually entails the soul and consciousness as it's core to percieve and understand (experience)

    Psychic- is outside the 5 senses. Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Precognition, things you percieve that you do so with extra senses. dreams, visions, hearing, or other ways.

    Religious- can be ecstatic, joyous affirmation of God or Jesus, or Krishna, or whatever you believe in. But it brings you proof, guidance, love, whatever. Sometimes it can just be a communal experience in a church. Or speaking in tongues. It is tied to your religion and reinorces it IMO.

    They can all kind of intertwine with eachother though. Spiritual can be religious can be pychic etc.

  • 9 years ago

    The differences within these experiences is to be found within each individuals particular 'Karma or work'.


    A spiritual experience is spiritual in nature.

    A psychic experience is psychic in nature.

    A religious experience is religious in nature.

    Moving along:

    Now a "Mystical" experience on the other hand is said to be an "experience within an experience".

    A truth has thus been revealed to a being, showing exactly where one has gone astray and exactly what is necessary in order to make a permanent correction.

    A sign post pointing the way so to say, regarding the 'Ascension Spiral', as this old fool has observed it being sometimes referred to.

    It has been said that there are 10 (ten) such sign posts otherwise known as Mystical experiences granted upon ones sojourn or journey. These must be neither neglected nor wasted.

    Once a sign post or Mystical experience has been observed it must not be spoken of until such time as the next one is encountered, then one can speak of the previous sign post.

    If it is spoken of ahead of the next sign post the next sign post may not appear for many, many years.

    That is why Patience is said to be a virtue.

    *footnote - Even ones Mentor or Teacher will not be aware of the Mystical experience or when it will happen. A mystical experience comes from beyond the realm of ones Mentor or Teacher.

    This doesn't exactly address your question, but is does show the degree of Patience that is found to be necessary while one is upon a lengthy sojourn.

    Peace be always with you.


    Source(s): a small insignificant student and brother....
  • 9 years ago

    I think, all the three happen to a being

    almost at the same level of consciousness and awareness

    and the line of demarcation amongst them is quite faint.

    Any how the main differences amongst them are that

    the spiritual experiences are unique and individual

    and may not have happened in the same way to anyone else,

    the psychic experiences usually involve the other

    and may indicate or predict about a collective reality,

    religious experiences always belong to a particular belief system,

    religion, deity, God or a collective faith.

    Source(s): self.
  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    A spiritual experience is where a person feels a tingly, meditative, peaceful feeling and they feel whole.

    A psychic experience is where a person senses information that people are feeling or even, thinking. (I have had a few psychic experiences with telepathy before).

    A religious experience, I don't think is much more different than a spiritual experience apart from it involves a feeling of a strong sense of 'God'.

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  • 9 years ago

    It's all a matter of perception. Which is subjective.

    The problem with definitions is humans' minds think in terms of symbols. The brain only thinks in terms of the symbols it already understands.

    To illustrate this point, consider UFOs. People have always seen things in the sky (so obviously there is 'something' there) but since there seems to be a dimensional problem/confusion, we can only see a part of whatever it is. The human brain/mind is excellent at filling in the gaps, so the result is our perception, having been through the filter, is presented to our conscious awareness in terms of the symbols the brain has in its inventory.

    So sometimes one sees flying chariots of fire, sometimes one sees Lepricons and since the 1948

    Space Age we see flying saucers. Something is there but our perception can not fathom it, being stuck with only 5 senses and a monkey brain.

    I have had a couple of profound spiritual, psychic, or religious experiences in my life, but I know that my interpretation of what the heck happened there is subject of having gone through the filter of the symbols . All I know is, spiritual, psychic, or religious is real, but we humans have a hard time interpreting it. And we don't have words to explain it, being hunter-gatherers at heart due to evolution.

  • 9 years ago

    Spiritual is an altered state of consciousness, psychic is a mind state where people "see things" that they expect to happen, which is usually bs. Religious experience is experienced in religious circles, prayer, communal activity, similar to spiritual experience but I think more collective than individual. It's hard to have a religious experience by yourself, while its easier to have a spiritual experience by yourself.

  • 9 years ago

    Let's begin with the definitions of each.

    Spiritual - of or relating to the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things

    Psychic - relating to or denoting faculties or phenomena apparently inexplicable by natural laws, especially involving telepathy or clairvoyance

    Religious - a person bound by monastic vows

    As you can see, they are all very different.

  • 9 years ago

    Religious experiences... Reason --> Mind

    Spiritual experiences .... Reason --> Heart

    Psychic experiences ... Reason --> Consciousness

  • 9 years ago

    Frankly, despite all of the great answers here, I would say the only difference exists within. Literally. Each of these categories is self determined. Each can merge with, be the same as, or produce from.

    Perhaps they are all the same, and our task is simply to discover the truth of that. Relative "truth"

    , of course. ; )

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Under Holy Spirit Vision no Christian Doctor would diagnose any mental illness...

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