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Lv 6

a question for those who believe in the reality of a nonphysical identity such as the soul, spirit, or essence?

with what senses does a nonphysical self perceive?

are these senses available to a physical self?

25 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Non-dualism generally teaches a continuum between "grosser" and "more spiritualized" sensibilities. Some terms for the latter include "clairaudience" and "clairvoyance."

    Some modern sources: The Path of the Higher Self, Mark Prophet

    Testimony of Light, Helen Greaves

    Man's Psychic Life, Omraam Aivanhov

    Watch Your Dreams, Ann Ree Colton


  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    That is the place I suppose there ought to be no clash between religion and Science. Science explains our world but can't supply us answers about why it occurred like that. What was once there before the big bang? Anyway, here's a Pagan view. And that i stress its my view, no longer always Pagans most commonly. Evey pagan I've ever met is exceptional... We have a spirit self, that a part of us that may transcend our bodies and go off and learn and dream and move on by way of many incarnations and ultimately emerge as a being of wisdom. What we do when we get there, someone's guess. Why we're doing it, any individual's wager. Why do I consider it, well, I just cannot believe we are just a one shot surprise, a shining star that burns out after a few quick years in the world. Now we have some strong non secular experiences, we're competent of bigger notion patterns and robust creativity. However I have no idea for certain what's in the market. I suppose the dream suggestion is feasible as there is not any method to prove we even exist, now not really, not while you run with the idea that if we're a dream, then we will be able to at all times get proof that we're not. If we have been a dream, then how would we ever discover? The Truman show involves intellect... Excellent luck with your questing, questions like these stop lifestyles from fitting too boring...

  • John
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    This question has never been answered satisfactorily. Practically all Astral Projections are not remembered by people. Memory is encoded in a network of cells and neurons that makes up 'Consciousness'.

    However some how the Astral body does see and sometimes remember. Doctors who have studied patients claiming out of body experiences in surgery are emphatic that there was no brain wave or heart activity at the time these people reported seeing events out of body. But as yet we have no answer.

    People visiting the 'Akashic Records' said that as they looked at the records, words would appear on the pages. This seemed nonsense to folks a while back. But anyone who own-es an Ebook Reader today would find nothing odd about that report. We just do not know everything yet.

  • 9 years ago

    I am an agno-myst

    and i think,

    the ultimate nonphysical self is the consciousness and awareness of the being

    that perceives the senses of the physical self through the mind

    that is represented by the brain in the physical body.

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  • 9 years ago

    There are ten not nine ten not eleven. With these Elohim created all seen and unseen. With these we can access the other realms of the Soul, Spirit, and more. They are more like abstract finite ideas that can through meditation lead to much growth and joy. For example on one hand we have wisdom and the other knowledge, if we where to use both of these senses correctly it comes out as understanding. We do this every day and when used properly is truth. In order to talk further on this though it would take a long time and more study to understand each other. ;D

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    I cannot tell here if I have verifyed on myself but having read on Rudolf Steiner's books I have understood that at least SOME nonphysical senses are placed or consists of so-called chakras, or lotus flowers or how do you like to name those wheely things.

    Since we can communicate with our bodies, I infer that bodies perceive soul events,

    so why couldn't even a mechanical device reveal soul events?

    Maybe no device of nowadays, but I am afraid it could be.

    About "Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you": remove engineering from former shape and it will remove and nothing will be impossibile...

    It could be the third temptation, transforming dead matter into living matter, but in order to be a real temptation it needs to be possibile.

    Source(s): Isaac Asimov and other sf auctors wrote about nonphysical technics. Anyway physical senses are 12, not only 5. Think about it! balance, heat, orienteering... and the same thought (including remembering, calculating, etc.) is a sense toward spirit, it perceive nonphysical matters.
  • 9 years ago

    A response for those who truly believe...

    Conviction - Resolute Faith (Iman)

    Deja Vu, all over again...

    Question - What attribute is carried forward within a soul upon a souls withdrawal from physical form?

    Response - Acquired Wisdom (ilm).

    Question - By what means does the non-physical self perceive or observe?

    Response - Through acquired Wisdom (ilm).

    Question - Are such means available and attainable by what is referred to as 'the physical self'?

    Response - Most assuredly, but only if ones 'intention' remains patiently persistent.

    "If someone asks what work there is to do, light the candle in their hand." - Rumi

    Meechum Anbu (Much Love)


    Source(s): a small insignificant student and brother....
  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Feelings are non physical but the reaction to them are observable physically. Laughing, crying and many more are observable through body language but no one can truly experience another person emotions. They are individualistic.

    I call this the 3 stooges theory. Why is it that a group of people watching the 3 stooges all have different reactions? Some laugh, some are shocked, some feel sad, some feel puzzled and dont understand the humor. Each individual has a differing reason but all reactions can be observed. It is the same for watching horror movies, romance and comedies and others. Everyone has a differing reaction for different reasons but all reactions are seen visually.

  • 9 years ago

    Senses are integral to third dimension. Perception of Self certainly goes on outside of this realm, but the tools we have with which to cognize and remember, to bring it back here, must filter through the senses.

    Just like in a dream, the mind has to apply the memory of the event/happenings in the dream in a way that the 'you' that exists here can relate to. You've had that experience, I'm sure, where you can feel that the interpretation that is coming up in your minds eye isn't exactly it, but it's the best your mind can offer up.

    Or like in a meditation, where you have just been in that place where everything makes PERFECT sense. Then you are focused here again, and you can barely grasp the tail of it all.... filters.

    So I strongly suspect that there are "senses" to experience with in the more subtle realms that are only whispers here. Emotions we can't imagine here. Being in our heart, existing in allowance and love, compassion and so bliss, as best we can... this is, I think, the closest we come as embodied humans. As big as we can get, as wide as we can go, I think that is just the tip....

  • Neil
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    In many Near death experiences, the senses are only sharpened after death. It seems the body hinders the full ability of the soul to experience the sense of pleasure and pain. The sense of pleasure is heightened in heaven. The sense of pain is heightened in hell. The soul can feel perfectly well without the body and even better. When we think of past times we feel pleasure or pain depending on what happened. This is an example of how the soul has the ability to feel.

  • 9 years ago

    The physical and the non-physical are both part of the same person so of course the senses are available. What we call senses are systems for interpreting vibrations or energy. Energy is eternal, cannot be destroyed, so thoughts are eternal vibrations. The question implies either-or and that is an error.

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