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  • Did Paul Daniels ever appear in cameo in the 'True Blood' TV Show?

    In one Episode Anne Parquin travels to a Fairie Nightclub to meet her Fairie Godmother and amongst the revellers sitting enjoying a Pint sits either Paul or a deadringer for Paul. Paul being a Magician would have been fun guest to have in the show h a scene. Does anyone know if he was a guest, or it was just a coincidence?

    1 AnswerComedy5 years ago
  • Deadwood TV Show. The HBO series?

    Does anyone know who the Actress was who played the con girl in Season One who was shot with her boyfriend. She looked like Kirsten Dunst, but Ms Dunst did not play the part according to her credits. She seems a well known Actress, but just can't place her name.

    1 AnswerDrama6 years ago
  • Anne Rice New Vampire Novel 'Prince Lestat'?

    Fans of 'Interview with a Vampire' do you plan to read Anne Rice's latest Book about 'Lestat' Also, how do you feel Her books differ from 'Southern Vampire Mysteries'.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Fairwell HBO True Blood.?

    2 AnswersDrama7 years ago
  • Any one els having problems answering Questions on Y Answers?

    Whenever the Questions Post is opened no 'Submit' Box appears under the answer Box. Anyone els having this problem.?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Jodie Foster has Married her girlfriend.?

    Any thoughts on Ms Foster's marriage?

    3 AnswersCelebrities7 years ago
  • YouTube changes?

    Has anyone noticed any changes in YouTube Accounts? ie when you try to upload it asks for you Google Name not YouTube name?

    2 AnswersYouTube7 years ago
  • Telephone calls from the Dead. Callum Cooper?

    It has been nearly 30 years since this puzzling subject has dealt with by an Author, but Callum Cooper is convinced there is a real core phenomenon. Has anyone read this Book yet? and do you have any comments to make? The last popular Book about such phenomenon was by D.Scott Rogo back in 1979.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • The Yellow Subnarine in Coney Island Creek?

    Guys, can anyone tell us anything about the wreck of the small Submarine in Coney Island Creek in New York City? There are only photographs on the web about the old wreck, and no details.

    1 AnswerOther - United States8 years ago
  • Does anyone know the story behind 'Yellow Submarine' in Coney Island Creek.?

    The wreck of the abandoned Sub is among other wrecks in Coney Island Creek but there are no details of the history of the wreck to be found on the Web. So can anyone tell the story of this wreck.

    1 AnswerOther - News & Events8 years ago
  • Amy Winehouse Exhibition at the Jewish Museum in London?

    Has any one visited the Amy Winehouse Exhibition at the Jewish Museum? There are objects associated with Amy on display and family photographs.

    3 AnswersBlues8 years ago
  • Any one els having problems with Yahoo Account?

    I am constantly having to reset my password (like every time I log in). Just wondering if others on Yahoo are having these problems.

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products8 years ago
  • Bike just went dead when I was riding it.?

    I've been a Biker for 20 years, but this is the first time this has happened to me. Bike was running well, enough Gas, full Battery charge. Then as I rode along it just went dead, all electrics off. I thought the fuses had blown. But after being stopped for 5 minutes, the lights started coming back on. Next day all lights working again, starter motor working (but engine would not start), frankly am mystified. The Bike is a ten year old Ninja 600. The Bike is in the repair shop now, but any advice I could give the Mechanic Guys would be appreciated. The Mechanic Guys suspect faulty Key Lock switch, but I don't see how that could almost drain the battery, the battery was drained like from a short.

    3 AnswersMotorcycles8 years ago
  • Lady Thatcher Public Funeral; A mistake? or simply a Media 'Event'?

    Ted Heath; Private funeral. Sir Harald Wilson; private funeral. Lady Thatcher; Public Funeral and major Media Event. Would not a private dignified funeral for Lady Thatcher be a more appropriate and respectful internment for the former PM rather than the 'in their face' Public funeral that many opponents to Lady Thatcher's Political Agenda will certainly take the event to be? There is bound to be trouble with demonstrations, so why not have a private service where admirers, family and friends of Lady Thatcher can pay their respects?

    11 AnswersMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • A 'Sphinx for Sweden' The Assassination of Olof Palme?

    On Feb 28th 1986 Olof Palme was murdered in a street in Sweden. What are your impressions of Mr Palme, and what reasons would you speculate anyone would have for murdering the gentle American Educated Swedish Leader?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • James Dean. Competition Motors in Vine Street Los Los Angeles.?

    Guys. Did anyone ever visit the old Competition Motors Building in Los Angele's before it was torn down? James Dean spent some time there getting his Porch Spyder ready for that last trip of his in 1955. The building became a local shrine in L.A. The wall Graffiti was said to be a real artwork before the building was torn down to build a banquette centre. What were your impressions of the Dean graffiti and the old Competition Building?

    3 AnswersLos Angeles8 years ago
  • Megan Phelps leaves the Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas?

    Megan Phelps, Shirley Phelps daughter, has left the controversial church in Kansas. It is unclear why she left the group. What would you suggest as the best route Megan can take to resume her life outside the church? Some may suggest a Public Apology to the Authorities in Washington for the hurt-full and hate-full comments made about them, same as to the Staff at the Pentagon and the Hollywood Movie Community for all of the cruel comments over the years. An apology to, to the American people in general some would say would help her return to normal life, there are so many incidents of Westboro gloating over national tragedies you cannot think of a particular one.

    But what would you suggest Megan do to restart a new life? America has emerged from the Westboro rampage as an example of a tolerant people, let's hope Megan can emerge as a successful life re-builder.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Coast2Coast.AM Talk Radio Show?

    C2C must be home of some of the strangest Interviews on Radio anywhere in the World. My own favourite is the Interview with the Guy who claims there are 10 feet tall people living in a wonderland in the Centre of the Earth; (Hollow Earth Theorists).

    My Question is; 'What is your favourite, or the wildest Interview you ever heard on C2C?',

    1 AnswerRadio8 years ago
  • The Pheonix 'Lights'?

    Dr Lynne Kitei is no crank, she is a Medical Doctor who worked for years as a practitioner in the U.S. But when she witnessed the 'Phoenix Lights', she was moved enough by the event to leave her job and write a book about the event and make a documentary.

    My Question here is; 'what is your explanation for the Phoenix Lights? Like the 1950s U.F.O. Flap in Washington DC it seems to be an event that will not be explained.

    Dr Kitei's Book about the Lights is; 'The Phoenix Lights'. The Doctor also has a Web Page about the Lights.

    4 AnswersAircraft8 years ago
  • Happy Birthday Jodie Foster?

    Well actually Jodies birthday was on the 19th of this month. Ms Fosters last Movie was the Roman Polanski Movie 'Carnage' which she shot in France. Ms Foster has still not achieved her lifetime ambition of making a Movie about the life of Leni Riefenstahl the controversial German woman Movie Director of the 1930s. But hey, Ms Foster may have 'The Triumph of the Will' and eventually make the Movie.

    Any favourite Jodie Foster Movies? and do Y/A folks the Movie about Ms Riefenstahl is just too controversial to ever be made?

    3 AnswersMovies9 years ago