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Lv 6

what do you know of karma or accumulation of spiritual debt or similar ideas?

for instance:

if I violate life when no one is looking, is there always someone watching?

who monitors my conduct; my ethic, my motives, agendas, and intentions?

who enforces the spiritual laws of success or failure in life?

13 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Since you asked...

    The other half of the equation...

    *Honorable Recorders

    ...Observers of ones karmic scale...

    All things are observed and never overlooked.

    Each and every hair is carefully monitored and observed.

    Every breath is recorded.

    Every blink of the eye is recorded.

    Nothing is left for chance.

    Everything is placed on a holographic video chip.

    The *Honorable Recorders and Followers:

    *Raqeeb - the recorder of good deeds/choices (right shoulder)

    *Ateed - the recorder of evil deeds/choices (left shoulder)

    Together, Raqeeb and Ateed are called the Kirana Katibeen (*Honorable Recorders)

    Two additional Angels are constantly with man and they are the Guardians (Followers)

    Does this help one better understand the infinite value attributed to the life of each and every human being?

    The "Creator" enforces the spiritual laws regarding each human being during ones embodiment, and after ones separation from human form.

    Don't think for even a fraction of a second, that one is not being observed and followed.

    Just because one cannot see something or someone, doesn't mean that something or someone is not there. Such is, 'The world of the unseen'.

    Which brings up other important questions:

    What exactly is success?

    What exactly is failure?

    Maybe one should discover how to attain Victory within ones life!

    Victory transcends both 'success and failure'.

    Peace be always with you.

    in sha'Allah

    al-hamdu lillah


    Source(s): a small insignificant sufi student and brother....
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    My answer comes from the traditions and teachings of Tibetan Buddhism (one of the Dalai Lama's monks has been my teacher for years):

    Karma has nothing to do with anything outside of yourself, or with any higher power.

    Karma = imprints.

    Everything you say, think, do, and feel either creates new imprints within your brain and within your being ... or strengthens an already-existing imprints.

    In other words, every second you are alive you are creating and re-creating the essence of who you are.

    And THIS is what karma is. Nothing exotic, nothing magical. Just you creating yourself.

    In turn, when these imprints you have planted within yourself "ripen", they will draw TO you, circumstances and people that match those imprints. And you will draw yourself into situations which match your inner imprints.

    For instance ... to take a live (ANY life ... even a mosquito's life), there are 3 factors that determine how strong an imprint you make in yourself:

    1. Whether or not you plan it out ahead of time (this involves a lot of thinking about it, and thinking about it creates imprints while you are thinking about it)

    2. Whether or not you deliberately kill (this is a far-stronger imprint than accidentally stepping on a bug on the sidewalk that you did not notice was there).

    3. Whether or not you "rejoice" about it afterwards (which again, continues setting more imprints into yourself).

    Note, however, that good actions (acts of kindness, generosity, tolerance, compassion, forgiveness, honesty, etc) .. these create POSTIVE imprints within yourself ("good karma").

    There is no "monitoring". There is no "enforcement". Karma happens like gravity ... it's just the way things work. If you drop a stone off a building, there is no force that ponders whether it will plummet to the earth, and we do not wonder whether or not that stone will fall ... the stone just plummets.

  • 9 years ago

    There is no "who". It's automatic, like the laws of physics.

    One may attribute the invention of such things as physics, math and karma to a deity or The Force or whatever, but it is all quite real in actual practice here on this earthly plane. Timing is difficult to nail down because the "spiritual realm" is not subject to time. But what goes around, comes around. So pay your dues every moment.

    As re success or failure in life, that's hard to define. Who had a net gain, Donald Trump, Mother Theresa or some guy on the loading dock? Who changed the course of the butterfly and changed the future?

    As usual, counting negatives (debts) is pretty easy but factoring in positives, well, that's hard to tell.... just like the Jimmy Stewart movie "It's a Wonderful Life", one hardly knows how one affects the world.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Great question.

    First of all a quote:

    "This above all: to thine own self be true,

    And it must follow, as the night the day,

    Thou canst not then be false to any man.

    Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!"

    Within that quote are the rules or basic concepts of how spiritual karma operates in the physical world.

    For example, personal beliefs influence the speed of karmic effects upon the physical reality in a life.

    If you believe you are correct in action, word or deed, then the karmic manifestation of an error may take it's time in appearing. (until your ready to understand the lesson, if you will). Of course if you don't see it the first or second time, the universe or your inner self as it were, will attempt to remind you again.

    The more advanced you become in understanding the divine nature within yourself and everything around you, the more fine tuned the karmic nature of life becomes.

    So a rudimentary man could get away with much more error than a person of wisdom. The wisest of us all, must and do walk a fine line between doing the right thing for the self, while ensuring no harm comes to another.

    If you violate, there is always "you" watching. The "you", may be your inner self, your future self or your past self, so once your own self be true. We are all connected, we are all one. That which you do to another you have done to yourself. Every person who has lived, is living and will come to this blue globe, and every probability of any lifetime within the matrix of all life, is part of the karmic loop.

    The spiritual laws are enforced by you, and me, and them, and those that have come before us, will go after us etc... (all this within the dimension of time)

    Beyond the dimension of time, we hop know this and I know this. Everybody does it, but not all of us are aware of doing it consciously. Karma of course changes with the probability hopped in a heartbeat. And so it is. (or isn't, depending upon your current moment, perspective and memory).

    I believe I feel karmically credited.

    Thanks for the Q!

    Edit: WillRogers: Stunning answer! You went beyond the 3d world in your explanation. I like that extremely much. :)

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  • 9 years ago

    I know that if karma is real, we all are probably deeper in debt that we realize or want to believe.


    You are the one looking and you are the one watching - i dont think we can forget our own karma.


    We seem to be responsible for our conduct - at any time we choose what we are doing.


    I think we choose our success or failure in much the same way we choose our joy and sorrow.

  • 9 years ago

    There is always someone watching, you're the man who does the watching.

    If you like what you see you will be happy.

    If you don't like what you see, it will feel bad and you will not be happy.

    When you figure out what made you unhappy you will have the information that you need to

    recover your happiness. It's not brain surgery, yet for some crazy reasons people resist

    the simple facts. Then they suffer. If that does not wake them up they croak.

    So it depends on what you understand as karma but mostly it is a crock and is designed by

    ignorant people in order to keep you in line since you cannot manage that yourself (society).

    All is well. Give yourself a break and enjoy life.

  • 9 years ago

    When you die, you will review the life you just lived with the Masters, Say you killed some one then killed yourself, not only do you owe a Karma debt to the person you killed. That will have to be re-payed in a future life. You would also owe a debt to everyone who was effected by your taking your own life.

    This is the only ones I know of Kama debts in life. read any book by Brian L. Weiss. for more info.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    When I read Canron 4p's quote answer. Sounded exactly something you would of said to some one else who might of asked this question instead of you. -Christie- PS."Or Am I dreaming?"

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    For Christians there is a group called Watchers.

    For the world the Judge has programmed the

    brain to hold all of the information of your life

    for the judgment at that great day.

  • 9 years ago

    Salaams Sunman and all:

    it is my belief that it is an esoteric Law...


    "Once two souls paths cross and touch...

    forevermore shall they entwine." [8]

    who monitors our behavior?

    it is our LORD who Knows all things.

    we will remind you of Psalm 37.

    also there is a Rule to live by...

    it is called "The Golden Rule."

    i know you know of this Rule (Spiritual Law)...

    but it is good to be reminded sometimes.

    it is also good to remind our own selves.


    because it is a Reality.

    "Do unto others as ye would have done unto thy own self."

    it embraces or perhaps it would be better to say...

    it exemplifies many Spiritual Truths.

    As others have said here...

    all our thoughts and actions etc. are recorded...

    i.e. "There is Always Someone Looking."

    Psalm 127:1

    and Allah Knows all Things. Allah is all Wise. - Holy Qur'an

    "Surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." - 5:3

    warm regards.


    edit: i opened up my Holy Qur'an to The Spider.


    "And (We sent) Lot, when he said to his people: Surely you are guilty of an abomination which none of the nations has done before you.

    Do you come to males and commit evil deeds in your assemblies? But the answer of his people was only that they said: Bring on us Allah's chastisement, if thou art truthful.

    He said: My LORD, help me against a mischievous people." - 29:28-30

    see [29:33-35, 31-32] for further amplification inshallah.

    for it is a Majestic Qur'an!!!!

    "And certainly We have left a clear sign of it for a people who understand." - 29:35

    and further... [29:36-37] et al.

    (hope this is helpful. thank you for the question.)

    Subhan-Allahi wa biHamdihi.

    p.s. if you want to listen to a good song inshallah...

    just 4 fun.

    Allahu akbar!

    "Surely Allah is aware of what you [we] do." - 5:8

    "Allah has promised to those who believe and do good deeds: For them is forgiveness and a mighty reward." - 5:9 see 5:10 for further amplification inshallah.


    Source(s): Bismillah. Job 36:22-23 New International Version (NIV) 22 “God is exalted in His power. Who is a teacher like Him? 23 Who has prescribed His ways for Him, or said to Him, ‘You have done wrong’? (Gloria in excelsis Deo. Amen.) Alleluia. Bismillah. Alhamdulillah. "And remember Allah's favour on you and His covenant with which He bound you when you said: We have heard and we obey. And keep your duty to Allah. Surely Allah knows what is in the breasts." - 5:7 Majestic Qur'an Subhan Allah.
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