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Lv 6

what is the secret to loving your enemy?

and with which kind of love shall I love my enemy?

Agápe (ἀγάπη agápē[1]) means "love" (unconditional love) in modern day Greek, such as in the term s'agapo (Σ'αγαπώ), which means "I love you". In Ancient Greek, it often refers to a general affection or deeper sense of "true love" rather than the attraction suggested by "eros". Agape is used in the biblical passage known as the "love chapter", 1 Corinthians 13, and is described there and throughout the New Testament as sacrificial love. Agape is also used in ancient texts to denote feelings for one's children and the feelings for a spouse, and it was also used to refer to a love feast. It can also be described as the feeling of being content or holding one in high regard. Agape was appropriated by Christians for use to express the unconditional love of God.[citation needed] Before agape love there was no other word to express such great love.[citation needed]

Éros (ἔρως érōs[2]) is passionate love, with sensual desire and longing. The Modern Greek word "erotas" means "intimate love;" however, eros does not have to be sexual in nature. Eros can be interpreted as a love for someone whom you love more than the philia, love of friendship. It can also apply to dating relationships as well as marriage. Plato refined his own definition: Although eros is initially felt for a person, with contemplation it becomes an appreciation of the beauty within that person, or even becomes appreciation of beauty itself. Plato does not talk of physical attraction as a necessary part of love, hence the use of the word platonic to mean, "without physical attraction." In the Symposium, the most famous ancient work on the subject, Plato has the middle-aged Athenian philosopher, Socrates argue to aristocratic intellectuals and a young male acolyte in sexual pursuit of him, that eros helps the soul recall knowledge of beauty, and contributes to an understanding of spiritual truth, the ideal "Form" of youthful beauty that leads us humans to feel erotic desire -- thus suggesting that even that sensually-based love aspires to the non-corporeal, spiritual plane of existence; that is, finding its truth, just like finding any truth, leads to transcendence. Lovers and philosophers are all inspired to seek truth through the means of eros."

Philia (φιλία philía[3]) means friendship or affectionate love in modern Greek. It is a dispassionate virtuous love, a concept developed by Aristotle. It includes loyalty to friends, family, and community, and requires virtue, equality and familiarity. In ancient texts, philos denoted a general type of love, used for love between family, between friends, a desire or enjoyment of an activity, as well as between lovers.

Storge (στοργή storgē[4]) means "affection" in ancient and modern Greek. It is natural affection, like that felt by parents for offspring. Rarely used in ancient works, and then almost exclusively as a descriptor of relationships within the family. It is also known to express mere acceptance or putting up with situations, as in "loving" the tyrant.

17 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    According to the Jewish tree of life, love includes logic and is infallible. The common understanding is a complete blasphemy. Worldly love and the false doctrine called positivism have become one unholy beast. People then started to equate the word 'love' to the abomination they set up in their hearts. They make their version of love filled with ignorance and they see it fail on all levels and then say that love is stupid and terrible things like that, but they really never knew love; they knew positivism. No, love is a very logical thing, so first understand what love is and they you'll clearly see what loving your enemy is. The statement is an affirmation for one to reduce anxiety; love cannot be commanded; only engendered. I suppose the writers of the original text knew that. The love commands were never meant to be commands, but rather, engenderings. Try understanding the verse in this way: 'Try feeling love for your enemy instead of anxiety; know that he or she only acts out of misunderstanding and can only be corrected by understanding' or something -- it's difficult to translate.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The secret is probably in defining what the enemy is or represents. It could be fear, or doubt or maybe even shame. One of those three is probably at the root of why you perceive you have an enemy. It all begins with you. Nothing and nobody outside of yourself created an enemy. You chose to experience a condition where the idea of an enemy was necessary for spiritual growth.

    The type of love you choose to heal the rift with, is most likely going to be the same kind of love that created it in the first place.

    Willrogers has impressed me very much with his answer. Very enlightening.

    I'll add more later.

    Wishing you all the best always and in always.


    Edit: Ratia: Interesting song choice.

    This one would be suitable also.


  • 9 years ago

    No need to split hairs.

    I have heard it put this way: there are two emotions. One feels good and the other feels bad.

    Either can become habitual. The negative one leads to disease. If one habitually feels good about oneself, feeling bad about anything or anyone else will by contrast be shocking. The brain not knowing anything about time or about imagination reacts to shocks to its programs by making efforts to correct the situations. These we call symptoms. To love one's enemy means to eliminate negative emotions as soon as possible due to the harmfull effects of not doing so. The best way to do this is to visualize or imagine that the wanted state of mind already exists, enjoy the ensuing positive emotions or feelings and allow those to become habitual. The resistance disappears and health returns. Cheers.

  • For me, storge, sunesis and then phronesis.

    Edit: No, not storge, agape (unconditional acceptance, a faithful love), then sunesis (the merging and interrelation of our "opposing" perspectives into a more complete view of the relationship) and then phronesis (practical action coordinated through the synthesis of the information obtained through the first two phases.

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  • 9 years ago

    Paolo Coelho says that we should keep fighting our enemies out of respect for them. if we don't fight them, they will lose their purpose of existence, which will make them very unhappy indeed.;)

    Warriors usually operate under a moral code. (At least all legendary warriors do.) It's about honor, loyalty, honesty, and fillial piety. And because of this, all old value warriors usually group together as one and fight those who do not keep the code. This is how they pick out sides.

    Since warriors fight their enemies with honor and respect, I am going with Philia.

  • 9 years ago

    - The psychology of ignorance. -

    Enemies will no longer be found, when and where ignorance is no longer present.

    Enemies are found within the state of ignorance.

    The state of ignorance occurs and remains within man as long as man's mind is allowed to remain clouded.

    One must eventually remove ones own ignorance.

    * If one can remove ones own ignorance, one will no longer be ones own worst enemy.

    As long as one remains ones own worst enemy, mental torpor will be present.

    Mental torpor is caused through ones own ignorance.

    Enemies can be constantly observed if ones mind is allowed to remain clouded.

    If the clouds found within the mind are removed there will no longer be no place for ignorance to hide.

    One will then no longer observe an illusory enemy or enemies.

    "Unconditional love" observes no such a thing as an 'enemy'.

    Enemies are always found living in a state of ignorance.

    The false wisdom harbored within man, has created the illusions that man has come to perceive as enemy or enemies.

    If one were to understand the nature of illusion, one would no longer remain ones own worst enemy.

    Man must learn the beauty found within "unconditional friendship".

    That would indeed be a good thing.

    That might even be called, a modern day miracle.

    May Peace be always within you.

    That is where True Peace is found, would you not agree?


    Source(s): a small insignificant sufi student and brother....
  • 9 years ago

    the secret to loving your enemy is having a healthy self-esteem.

    Loving your enemy takes away all of their power over you.

    It sometimes takes many years, and much maturity to get to this point. I know it did for me in my own journey through life!

  • 9 years ago

    Agape. I think it comes from seeing yourself in your enemies position, finding that in yourself that responds to him and wants to be like him. Only when you see that he is you and you despise what he does can you kill with love and forgiveness.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    You know how you want to be treated treat others the same way. Defend yourself if your life is threatened by whatever means necessary. That mass of text above seems to me to just be some kind of procrastination.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    you should love everybody, hate is futile, because we dont choose who we are, cause and effects lead them to be the way you, me and them are.

    thats not an excuse to free every criminals (because they are a danger to others or even themselves)

    thats an argument to be a more humanist person

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